That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report COU24-001, dated February 20, 2024 of Mayor Jeff Leal as follows:
a) That Council pass a Portfolio Chairs By-law, as amended, in the form comprising Appendix A to Report COU24-001; and
b) That staff report respecting the status and roles of the City’s current advisory committees in relation to the opportunities for Portfolio Chairs to establish advisory committees pursuant to section 9 of the proposed Portfolio Chairs By-law.
c) That the Recommendations be amended by adding Recommendation c) to appoint Portfolio Chairs as follows:
Finance and Corporate Support Services Portfolio: Councillors Beamer and Haacke
Legislative Services Portfolio: Councillors Crowley and Lachica
Municipal Operations Portfolio: Councillors Baldwin and Vassiliadis
Infrastructure, Planning and Growth Management Portfolio: Councillors Duguay and Lachica
Community Services:
- Recreation and Parks, Fire Services, and Arenas Portfolio: Councillors Parnell and Baldwin
- Arts and Culture, Social Services (Housing and Homelessness), Library Services Portfolio: Councillors Riel and Bierk
That the appointment of Portfolio Chairs, identified as follows, as per Recommendation b) of Report COU22-002, Council Appointments to Committees and Boards, be rescinded:
Lesley Parnell, Chair of Arenas, Parks, and Recreation
Alex Bierk, Chair of Arts, Culture, and Heritage
Don Vassiliadis, Chair of Diversity
Don Vassiliadis, Chair of Economic Development
Joy Lachica, Chair of Environment and Climate Change
Andrew Beamer, Chair of Finance
Dave Haacke, Vice-Chair of Finance
Andrew Beamer, Chair of Fire Services
Lesley Parnell, Vice-Chair of Fire Services
Keith Riel, Chair of Housing
Alex Bierk, Vice-Chair of Housing
Keith Riel, Chair of Homelessness
Alex Bierk, Vice-Chair of Homelessness
Kevin Duguay, Chair of Development and Construction
Lesley Parnell, Vice-Chair of Development and Construction
Lesley Parnell, Chair of Planning
Keith Riel, Vice-Chair of Planning
Dave Haacke, Chair of Public Works
Dave Haacke, Chair of Seniors
Matt Crowley, Chair of Social Services
Keith Riel, Chair of Transportation
Gary Baldwin, Chair of Waste Management
Lesley Parnell, Chair of Youth