City Council Meeting Agenda

Council Chambers, City Hall
500 George Street North

To speak as a registered delegation, individuals must register no later than 11:00 a.m. on the day of the meeting.  To register, complete the online application at, or phone 705-742-7777 ext. 1820.

10.a, 10.b, 10.c, 10.d, 10.e, 10.f, 10.g, 10.h, 10.i, 10.j, 10.k, 10.l, 10.m, 10.n, 10.o, 10.p, 10.q

  • That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CAO24-004, dated June 17, 2024 of the Chief Administrative Officer as follows:

    That staff be directed to proceed as outlined in Closed Session Report CAO24-004 dated June 17, 2024 of the Chief Administrative Officer respecting a proposed transfer to the City of water assets and operations, information technology assets and operations and the Riverview Park & Zoo.

  • That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report MOENV24-023, dated June 17, 2024 of both the Commissioner, Municipal Operations (Acting) and the City Solicitor as follows:

    That Staff be directed to proceed as outlined in Closed Session Report MOENV24-023 dated June 17, 2024 of the Commissioner, Municipal Operations (Acting) and the City Solicitor respecting the former Nelson Landfill.

  • That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report FCSCS24-001, dated June 17, 2024, of the Commissioner, Finance and Corporate Support Services as follows:

    That staff be directed to proceed as outlined in Closed Session Report FCSCS24-001 dated June 17, 2024 of the Commissioner of Finance and Corporate Support Services.

  • That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report LSCLK24-008, dated June 17, 2024, of the City Clerk as follows:

    a) That the Adult Athlete of the Year trophy be named after Steve Casey;

    b) That the Citizen Appointment Selection Committee be authorized to nominate individuals for the annual Civic Awards; and,

    c) That the list of individuals and groups set out in Appendix A to Report LSCLK24-008 receive a 2023 Civic Award.

  • That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report FCSFS24-015, dated June 17, 2024 of the Commissioner of Finance and Corporate Support Services as follows:

    a) That, as a matter of housekeeping, Authorizing By-law 21-140, being a by-law to authorize the 2022 budget and debenture financing for the Misken Law Community Complex (New Arena Facility) be amended to reflect a maximum thirty-year term for the debenture issue.

    b) That the necessary borrowing by-laws be approved to borrow funds up to a maximum of $102,969,734 to finance City capital projects, and for terms not to exceed the terms indicated on Appendix A, attached to Report FCSFS24-015;and

    c) That the Treasurer be authorized to apply to Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation to borrow these funds.

  • That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report FCSFS24-010, dated June 17, 2024 of the Commissioner of Finance and Corporate Support Services as follows:

    That, as requested by the Peterborough Utilities Commission, Council adopt a Development Charge By-law, as set out in Appendix C, at its June 24, 2024 Council meeting to establish new development charge rates to be levied by the Peterborough Utilities Commission for the period June 24, 2024 to June 23, 2034.

  • That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report IPGENG24-019, dated June 17, 2024 of the Commissioner of Infrastructure, Planning and Growth Management as follows:

    a) That a Pedestrian Crossover Level 2 Type B complete with rectangular rapid flashing beacons be implemented on Spillsbury Drive near the west edge of Valleymore Park;

    b) That a By-law be passed to amend the appropriate Schedules and Articles of the Parking By-law 09-136 to authorize implementation of Recommendation a); and

    c) That the existing contract agreement awarded to Guild Electric Limited for Traffic Signal works be amended to increase the contract amount by $40,000.00, exclusive of HST, to cover the cost of the electrical works required to construct the
    Pedestrian Crossover on Spillsbury Drive at Clancy Cresent.

  • That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report FCSFS24-012, dated June 17, 2024 of the Commissioner of Finance and Corporate Support Services as follows:

    a) That the March 31, 2024 Quarterly Financial Update Report (Unaudited) attached as Appendix A to Report FCSFS24-012, dated June 17, 2024, be received;

    b) That Appendix A to User Fee By-law 23-159 be amended effective September 1, 2024 to amend the 2024 Municipal Child Care Parental Fees Form 6 to keep Toddler and Preschool at the current rates and rescind the decrease on
    September 1, 2024;

    c) That the deficit balance in the Affordable Housing Capital Project (Q#15882) of $411,745 be funded from the uncommitted balances in the following reserves:

    i. $1,883 from the Affordable Housing Property reserve; and
    ii. $409,862 from the Affordable Housing Partnership reserve;

    d) That The Parkway Emergency Repairs capital project be established and $1,645,000 be transferred from the Waste Water Reserve Fund to The Parkway Emergency Repairs project;

    e) That prior to closing the Intelligent Transportation System project (Q#13503), the budget be increased by $97,110.60 by transferring $23,578.71 surplus budget from the Transit Route Review project (Q#16-114) and $73,531.89 from the
    Transit Capital Reserve; and

    f) That prior to closing the On-Demand Transit project (Q#22-041), the budget be increased by $59,881.26 by transferring surplus budget from the Transit Route Review project (Q#16-114).

  • That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report MOENV24-022, dated June 17, 2024 of the Commissioner, Municipal Operations (Acting) as follows:

    a) That staff be authorized to do such things considered reasonable by the Commissioner, Municipal Operations, to effect the termination of the April 4,2022 service agreement between the Township of Cavan Monaghan and The Corporation of the City of Peterborough (By-law No. 2022-18) in accordance with paragraph 6.01(d) and section 6.02 of the Agreement; and

    b) That the Mayor, Clerk and the said Commissioner be authorized to execute documents to effect the termination on terms acceptable to the said Commissioner and in forms acceptable to the City Solicitor.

Amended Recommendation:

  • That Council approve the recommendations as follows:

    a) That the presentation from Efficiency Engineering Inc. be received for information;

    b) That the Community Building Retrofit Feasibility Study be used to inform future budget requests for energy efficiency projects;

    c) That Council authorize City staff to seek funding opportunities from external agencies or other levels of government to supplement approved budgets in support of priority initiatives; and

    d) That Council authorize the use of the Climate Change Reserve as a source of eligible funding, under the delegated authority of the Director of Asset Management and Capital Planning, for energy conservation measures to decarbonize corporate facilities.

    e) That staff be directed to update PEAC and Council on the progress of an implementation strategy, on an annual basis.

  • That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CAOGR24-004 dated June 17, 2024, of the Chief Administrative Officer as follows:

    That the Government Relations Matters presentation be received for information.

  • That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report CAO24-003, dated June 17, 2024 of the Chief Administrative Officer as follows:

    a) That staff be authorized to immediately begin implementing a transition plan for the City to provide economic development and tourism related services effective January 1, 2025;

    b) That a budget in the amount of $341,000 be established for the remainder of 2024 to provide for immediate transitional costs including pivotal staff recruitments to prepare for delivery of those services on January 1, 2025 and funded as follows:

    i. $121,000 from the Municipal Accommodation Tax Reserve; and
    ii. $220,000 from the uncommitted funds in the Sports Tourism Sponsorship Capital project (#18-146);

    c) That in preparing the draft 2025 budget for economic development and tourism related services, staff be directed to ensure that the financial impact be no greater than the funding the City currently provides for third-party provision of these same services, including revenues from the Municipal Accommodation Tax; and

    d) That staff be directed to report back to Council in the August cycle respecting the appropriateness of creating of a Municipal Services Corporation for the purposes of serving as an eligible tourism entity.

Amended Reccommendation:

  • a) That Advisory Committee Update, Report LSCLKS24-006, dated June 17, 2024, of the City Clerk be received for information; and

    b) That, if Council considers it appropriate to do so, Council direct as follows:

    i) That Report LSCLKS24-006 dated June 17 of the City Clerk be referred to the Mayor for consideration as to whether to recommend to Council any changes to the current complement of advisory committees and to the participation of members of Council on such advisory committees and on local boards, municipal corporations and third party organizations and corporations;
    ii) That the Mayor consult with each member of Council;
    iii) That City staff assist the Mayor as the Mayor may from time-to-time request; and
    iv) That the Mayor report back to Council with the Mayor’s recommendations, if any.

    c) That the Mayor consult with members of Council and staff regarding the governance model for COPHI.

Amended Recommendation:

  • That Licensing By-law 21-075 and User Fees By-law 23-159 be amended to establish a licensing system for the regulation of driving services effective July 31, 2024 in the form of amending by-law attached as Appendix A to Report LSCLK24-007 as revised by amending the proposed Schedule B to the Licensing By-law as follows:

    a) by deleting in paragraph 7.d) the text, “six (6)”, and by substituting the text, “twelve (12)”; and

    b) by deleting in paragraph 8.h) the text, “must ensure that there are”, and by substituting the text, “should encourage the provision of”.

    c) That the changes take effect August 31, 2024. 

  • That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report FCSFS24-011, dated June 17, 2024 of the Commissioner of Finance and Corporate Support Services as follows:

    a) That the December 31, 2023 Quarterly Financial Update Report (Unaudited) attached as Appendix A to Report FCSFS24-011, dated June 17, 2024, be received;

    b) That $1,511,471 be transferred to the Property Acquisition Reserve, representing the tax sale of 511 Romaine Street;

    c) That the following reserves be consolidated, with balances transferred into the General Recreation Reserve:
    i. New Athletic Fields
    ii. Beavermead
    iii. Artificial Turf
    iv. Sportfield Lights
    v. Marina
    vi. Arena Equipment;

    d) That the following year end entries be approved, transferring funds to/from reserves:
    i. $104 representing 100% of the Police Services 2023 year-end surplus be transferred to the Police Special Projects Reserve;
    ii. $480,000 of the CAO budget be transferred to the Organizational Development Reserve.

  • That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report CSD24-003, dated June 17, 2024, of the Commissioner of Community Services as follows:

    a) That the framework for the Community Service Grant program be transitioned to the new Community Service Agreement program for 2025 as described in this report;

    b) That three year Community Service Agreements as shown in Appendix A be established, subject to annual budget approval;

    c) That the Commissioner of Community Services and CAO be authorized to execute Community Service Agreements in forms acceptable to the City Solicitor; and

    d) That the Policy for the Community Service Agreement Program attached as Appendix B be approved.

  • Whereas, some 700,000 Canadian skilled trades workers are expected to retire by 2028, the 29 recent Fleming College program cuts impact the local channel for training needed for skilled workers in the Peterborough region;

    Whereas, such specific skilled trades are locally essential for Peterborough’s landscape, in the building sector to meet housing targets, to address ongoing infrastructure needs and to furnish future economic growth and economic development;

    Whereas, higher domestic enrollment is apparent in skilled trades programs, with students tending to remain where they train and fewer students returning as workers and contributing ratepayers after training elsewhere;

    THEREFORE, be it resolved…

    That the City of Peterborough encourages both federal and provincial governments to increase support to college boards, by establishing metrics and direction around maintaining courses where cohorts offer a return on investment in the local economy, in small business and in filling jobs vital to a college’s immediate region.

    That this resolution be forwarded to the provincial ministry of colleges and universities, provincial ministry of economic development, job creation and trade, provincial ministry of labour, immigration, training and skills development, provincial ministry of the environment, conservation and parks, provincial ministry of natural resources and forestry, and provincial ministry of agriculture, food and rural affairs, the federal minister of immigration, MP Michelle Ferreri, and MPP Dave Smith.

Being a By-law to amend Licensing By-law 21-075 and User Fees By-law 23-159 to establish a licensing system for Driving Services

Being a By-law to Amend By-Law 09-136 being a By-law to for the Regulation of Parking in the City of Peterborough on Spillsbury Drive

Being a By-law to establish development charges for the City of Peterborough related to water services

Being a By-law to amend By-law 21-140 being a By-law to authorize the 2022 portion of the New Arena and Aquatics Complex project at an estimated cost of $12,500,000 and the issuing Development Charge (DC) Recreation supported debentures to a maximum of $8,218,100 and tax-supported debentures to a maximum of $281,900 to finance the work

Being a By-law to amend 2024 User Fee By-law 23-159

Being a By-law to approve the submission of an application to Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (“OILC”) for the long-term financing of certain capital work(s) of the Corporation of the City of Peterborough (the “Municipality”); and to authorize the entering into of a rate offer letter agreement pursuant to which the Municipality will issue debentures to OILC