That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report IPSPL21-036 dated November 1, 2021, of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services, as follows:
a) That Council adopt the Final Draft Official Plan as appended to Report IPSPL21-035 dated October 4, 2021 and the revised excerpts in Exhibit A of this Report IPSPL21-036 as the new Official Plan for the City of Peterborough dated November 2021;
b) That the By-law to adopt the new City of Peterborough Official Plan, November 2021, attached as Exhibit B to report IPSPL21-036 be approved;
c) That Planning Division staff submit the Council-adopted Official Plan for the City of Peterborough, November 2021, to the Ontario Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for final approval in accordance with Section 17(22) of the Planning Act;
d) That in accordance with Section 26(7) of the Planning Act and subsection 7.7. of Ontario Regulation 543/06: Official Plans and Plan Amendments, Council declares to the Approval Authority, being the Ontario Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, that the Council-adopted City of Peterborough Official Plan, November 2021:
i. is consistent with policy statements issued under subsection 3(1) of the Planning Act;
ii. conforms or does not conflict with any applicable Provincial plan or plans; and,
iii. has regard to the matters of Provincial interested listed in Section 2 of the Planning Act;
e) That the current City of Peterborough Official Plan (By-law 1981-150) and all amendments thereto, be repealed at the end of the day on which the new City of Peterborough Official Plan is sanctioned by the Approval Authority;
f) That the Township of Smith Official Plan (Township By-law 1994-46) and all amendments thereto, as applied to the lands annexed to the City of Peterborough on January 1, 1998 and January 1, 2008, be repealed at the end of the day on which the new City of Peterborough Official Plan is sanctioned by the Approval Authority;
g) That the Township of Otonabee Official Plan (Township By-law 12-85) and all amendments thereto, as applied to the lands annexed to the City of Peterborough on January 1, 1998, be repealed at the end of the day on which the new City of Peterborough Official Plan is sanctioned by the Approval Authority;
h) That the Township of Otonabee-South Monaghan Official Plan (Township By-law 2004-70) and all amendments thereto, as applied to the lands annexed to the City of Peterborough on January 1, 2008 and January 1, 2013, be repealed and revoked at the end of the day on which the new City of Peterborough Official Plan is sanctioned by the Approval Authority; and
i) That Planning Division staff present an Official Plan Implementation Strategy to Council within one year of the City of Peterborough Official Plan, November 2021 coming into effect.
j) was added as part of the main motion as follows:
i. That the Schedule D – Road Network Plan included in the Draft Official Plan dated July 2021 provided to City Council on October 4, 2021 be deleted and replaced by the Schedule D provided to City Council on November 1, 2021, which does not include a “Future Municipal Roadway Corridor” along the boundaries of the City; and,
ii. That Policy 6.2.6 j. of the Draft Official Plan dated July 2021 provided to City Council on October 4, 2021 which pertains to future municipal roadway corridors be deleted and replaced with the following wording:
“j. Where the City’s Transportation Master Plan indicates the need to protect long-term future municipal roadway corridors in proximity to the City’s boundaries to meet future needs for transportation and coordinated regional connectivity associated with growth beyond the population horizon of this Plan, the general location of Long Term Corridor Protection Areas may be identified on Schedule D: Road Network Plan by amendment to this plan, in consultation with the County of Peterborough and affected adjacent municipalities. Final alignments for any identified corridors will be determined on the basis of corridor protection studies and Class Environmental Assessments in partnership with the County and affected adjacent municipalities.
Where Long Term Corridor Protection Areas have been identified with concurrence from the County and affected adjacent municipalities, the City will cooperate with the County and affected adjacent municipalities to protect these corridors through negotiation in the review of area plans, plans of subdivision and Official Plan and/or Zoning By-Law Amendments. Where the ultimate alignment and right-of-way of a long-term corridor has been determined, the City will seek to ensure the required road allowance is reserved either as part of, or independent from such planning approvals. Where such allowances have not been determined, the City will request a corridor study in conjunction with proposals to develop land where an allowance may be required to determine which portion of the subject land should be reserved for the future road allowance.
In addition to all applicable municipal requirements, all development proposals adjacent to and in the vicinity of Provincial Highways will be subject to Provincial review and approval. Early consultation with the Province is encouraged to ensure the integration of municipal planning initiatives with Provincial transportation planning. Areas identified for future development that are located adjacent to or in the vicinity of a Provincial Highway or an interchange/intersection will be subject to the Province’s policies and standards.”