City Council Meeting Agenda

Council Chambers, City Hall
500 George Street North

Accommodations: The City of Peterborough is committed to making meetings accessible for people of all abilities. Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. Contact the Clerk's Office at 705-742-7777 if you require assistance to access a meeting, the agenda or relevant documents.

  • That the Council minutes from the meeting of August 12, 2024 be approved.

To speak as a registered delegation, individuals must register no later than 11:00 a.m. on the day of the meeting.  To register, complete the online application at, or phone 705-742-7777 ext. 1820.

11.a, 11.b, 11.c, 11.d, 11.e, 11.f, 11.g

  • That items 11.a, 11.b, 11.c, 11.d, 11.e, 11.f and 11.g be approved on Consent.

  • That the information provided by the City Solicitor respecting Strong Mayor Powers be received.

  • Amended motion:

    That, respecting a long-term lease at the Peterborough Municipal Airport, Staff be authorized to proceed as outlined in Closed Session Report MOAIR24-004, of the Commissioner of Municipal Operations

  • Councillor Haacke declared a conflict on this item. (The applicant is a client of his firm. ;)
  • Councillor Duguay declared a conflict on this item. (Family member is the Planning Consultant associated with the concerned ZBA Application.)
  • That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report IPGPL24-024, dated August 26, 2023 of the Commissioner, Infrastructure, Planning and Growth Management as follows:

    a) That the subject properties be rezoned from D.1 – Development District to R.1-Residential District (429 Raymond Street) and R.1-2o -H – Residential District (431 Raymond Street) in accordance with the draft amendment attached as Appendix C to Report IPGPL24-024; and

    b) That the ‘H’-Holding Symbol be removed from the lands zoned R.1-2o-H (431 Raymond Street) at such time that the encroachment of the pool apron on 435 Raymond Street is resolved.

  • That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report IPGPL24-025, dated August 26, 2024 of the Commissioner, Infrastructure, Planning and Growth Management as follows:

    a) That Section 3.9, Exceptions of Zoning By-law 1997-123, be amended by adding Exception Number 368 to prescribe site-specific regulations for the properties known as 78 and 82 Lansdowne Street West in accordance with the Draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Appendix D of Report IPGPL24-025; and

    b) That the subject properties be rezoned from R.1,R.2,R.3,R.4 – Residential District to R.5-368 – Residential District in accordance with the Draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Appendix D of Report IPGPL24-025.

  • That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report LSCLK24-010, dated August 26, 2024, of the City Clerk as follows:

    That the presentation from Dr. Piggott, Medical Officer of Health, be received for information.

  • That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report FCSFS24-016, dated August 26, 2024, of the Commissioner, Finance & Corporate Support Services on behalf of the President and CEO of the City of Peterborough Holdings Inc., as follows:

    That the presentation from Mr. John Wynsma, on behalf of CoPHI and the 2023 Annual Report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, from the City of Peterborough Holdings, Inc. and attached as Appendix B to Report FCSFS24-016 be provided to Council pursuant to paragraph 4.13(a) of the City’s Shareholder Declaration.

  • That Report IPGENG24-004, be deferred to the next Council meeting cycle.

  • That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report IPGPL24-O26, dated August 26, 2024, of the Commissioner of Infrastructure, Planning and Growth Management as follows:

    a) That a Temporary Use By-law be passed permitting up to twenty-four one-room sleeping cabins in a sleeping cabin community, containing wrap around services, on the property known as 385 Lansdowne Street East in accordance with the Draft Temporary Use By-law attached as Appendix D of Report IPGPL24-026; and

    b) That the foregoing be approved in accordance with Section 39(2) of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P.13 and shall be in effect for a temporary period of up to three years following the passing of the By-law attached hereto as Appendix D of Report IPGPL24-026.

  • That By-laws 24-065, 24-066, 24-067, 24-068 and 24-069 be approved.

Being a By-law to authorize the undertaking of energy efficiency, energy, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and water conservation works on private residential property as local improvements under the HEEP residential energy retrofit program

Being a By-law to temporarily exempt Block 135, Registered Plan 45M-262 from Part Lot Control

Being a By-law to temporarily exempt Blocks 127 and 128, Registered Plan 45M-262 from Part Lot Control

Being a By-law to amend the Zoning By-law for the lands known as 78 and 82 Lansdowne Street West

Being a By-law to amend the Zoning By-law for the lands known as 427 and 431 Raymond Street

  • 24-070 Being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council at its meeting held on September 3, 2024.

  • That this meeting be adjourned.