Peterborough Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee Minutes

City of Peterborough

October 9, 2012



Minutes of a Meeting of Peterborough Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee Held on October 9, 2012 in the Sutherland Room


The meeting of Peterborough Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee was called to order at 7:02 p.m. in the Sutherland Room, City Hall.



Catherine Dibben

Geoffrey Eve

Stewart Hamilton, Chair

Kathryn McLeod

Martin Parker

Kaes Vanderkooy

Councillor Pappas

Gord Young



Paul Lumsden



John Kennedy, City Clerk

Rebecca Whelan, Heritage Researcher



Minutes- September 11, 2012


Moved by Kaes Vanderkooy


That the minutes of the Peterborough Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee meeting held on September 11, 2012, be approved as amended.



Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest


There were no disclosures of Pecuniary Interest.



Moved by Catherine Dibben


That agenda item number 3 be moved to the end of the agenda.





Consent Agenda


Moved by Councillor Pappas


That items 6, and 9 be approved as part of the Consent Agenda.





Heritage Resources Coordinator

Report PACAC12-036

Doors Open Update


Moved by Councillor Pappas


That the PACAC approve the recommendation outlined in Report PACAC12-036, dated October 9, 2012 of the Heritage Resources Coordinator, as follows:


That the report on the 2013 Doors Open be received for information. 





Heritage Resources Coordinator

Report PACAC12-040

Heritage Designation


Moved by Councillor Pappas


That the PACAC approve the recommendation outlined in Report PACAC12-040, dated October 9, 2012 of the Heritage Resources Coordinator, as follows:


That the property at 512 Dickson Street, Peterborough, Ontario, be recommended to Council for designation pursuant to Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act as being of cultural heritage value or interest.





Heritage Resources Coordinator

Report PACAC12-039

Heritage Week Activities


Moved by Councillor Pappas


a)            That the PACAC undertake the coordination of local heritage related activities to be held during Heritage week 2013.


Committee at its meeting of October 9, 2012 made the following recommendations:


b)           That partners in the Heritage Community be invited to participate in Heritage Week activities.




Heritage Resources Coordinator

Report PACAC12-035

Heritage Preservation Office Report


Moved by Councillor Pappas


That the PACAC approve the recommendation outlined in Report PACAC12-035, dated October 9, 2012 of the Heritage Resources Coordinator, as follows:


That the Heritage Preservation Office report with respect to the monthly activities of the Heritage Preservation Office for September 2012, be received for information.


Moved by Kathyrn McLeod


That the heritage character of the neighbourhood encompassing 470 Rogers Street be respected in all current and future developments.





Upon the main motion of Councillor Pappas, as amended, the motion carried.



Heritage Resources Coordinator

Report PACAC12-037

Heritage Tree Program Update


Moved by Martin Parker


a)        That staff provide clarification regarding the potential species of ironwood and blue beech trees to be planted, specifically indicate the scientific names of the intended trees.


b)        That the report be received for information.


c)        That special consideration be given to the shoreline species of trees to be planted.



Heritage Resources Coordinator

Report PACAC12-038

Purchase of Heritage Designation Plaques


Moved by Geoffrey Eve


That the PACAC approve the recommendation outlined in Report PACAC12-038, dated October 9, 2012 of the Heritage Resources Coordinator, as follows:


That seven (7) plaques be purchased from the Alloy Foundry Company Ltd., of Merrickville, Ontario at a total cost of $1,605.17 including freight and all applicable taxes.





Councillor Pappas left the meeting at 8:02 p.m.



Heritage Resources Coordinator

Report PACAC12-041

Commemoration of Martha Kidd 


Stewart Hamilton left the meeting at 8:07 p.m. and returned at 8:10 p.m.


Martin Parker left the meeting at 8:11 p.m. and returned at 8:14 p.m.


Committee discussed various options to commemorate Martha Kidd.


Moved by Gord Young


That the PACAC approve the recommendation outlined in Report PACAC12-041, dated October 9, 2012 of the Heritage Resources Coordinator, as follows:


That the PACAC undertake a workshop exercise to determine how best to commemorate the work of Martha Kidd.




Other Business


There were no items of Other Business.





Moved by Gord Young


That this meeting of the Peterborough Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee adjourn at 8:40 p.m.






            John Kennedy

 City Clerk



Stewart Hamilton


No Item Selected