Planning Committee Minutes

City of Peterborough

November 21, 2016

Draft Minutes Not Approved



Minutes of a Meeting of Planning Committee held on November 21, 2016 in the Council Chambers, City Hall.


Planning Committee was called to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers by
Councillor Parnell, Chair.


Roll Call:

Councillor Baldwin

Councillor Beamer

Councillor Clarke

Councillor Haacke

Councillor Pappas

Councillor Parnell, Chair

Councillor Riel

Councillor Therrien

Councillor Vassiliadis

Councillor McWilliams

Mayor Bennett



Confirmation of Minutes – October 11, 2016


Moved by Councillor McWilliams


That the minutes of the meeting of Planning Committee held on October 11, 2016 be approved.





Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest


There were no disclosures of Pecuniary Interest.


Consent Agenda


Moved by Councillor Clarke


That item 4 be approved as part of the Consent Agenda.





Manager, Planning Division

Report PLPD16-086

By-law to remove an ‘H’ – Holding Symbol from the Zoning

By-law for Part of Plan of Subdivision 45M-247 Mason Homes Limited

Phase 2 of Draft Plan of Subdivision 15T-10507

0 & 1224 Chemong Road, 1345 Hilliard Street


Moved by Councillor Clarke


That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report PLPD16-086 dated November 21, 2016, of the Manager, Planning Division, as follows:

That Lots 1 to 38 and Blocks 39 to 60, Block 62, Blocks 66 to 69 inclusive Plan of Subdivision 45M-247 (Buckingham Lane, Halpin Lane, Kiernan Lane, Poole Lane, Selkirk Lane, Broadway Boulevard, Cullen Trail, Grange Way, Haylock Gardens, Marsh Avenue, Melling Avenue, Rowberry Boulevard) be rezoned from SP.328,13a-‘H’, SP.329,11j,13k-‘H’, SP.330,11j,13k-‘H’, SP.331,3q,11j,13k,16c-‘H’, SP.95-259-‘H’, SP.348-‘H’, and SP.349,11j,13k-‘H’ to SP.328,13a, SP.329,11j,13k, SP.330,11j,13k, SP.331,3q,11j,13k,16c, SP.95-259, SP.348, and SP.349,11j,13k.





Public Meeting Under The Planning Act

Manager, Planning Division

Report PLPD16-085

1230 Lansdowne Street West and Part of 740 Clonsilla Avenue


Caroline Kimble, Land Use Planner, provided an overview of Report PLPD16-085.


No one spoke in opposition to or in support of the application.


Peter Lawless, agent for the applicant spoke to the application.


Moved by Councillor Clarke


That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report PLPD16-085 dated November 21, 2016, of the Manager, Planning Division, as follows:

a)            That Exception .166 of Section 3.9 Exceptions of the City’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law 97-123 be amended to eliminate the requirement for a 1.5 metre landscaped open space strip along the westerly lot line; reduce the required parking to 1 space per 30 square metres of floor area for retail commercial; and reduce the required rear yard setback to 3 metres to permit an architectural wall, to 2.7 metres for a patio and to 4 metres for an overhead canopy, in accordance with the draft amendment, attached as Exhibit ‘C’ to Report PLPD16-085.

b)           That the zoning of the subject property be amended from the SP.268-166-Commercial District and C.4-Commercial District to a modified C.7-166 ‘H’- Special Purpose Retail Zoning District, in accordance with the draft amendment attached as Exhibit ‘C’ to Report PLPD16-085.

c)            That the “H”-Holding Symbol be removed from the subject property at such time as the properties are merged, and subject to approval of a revised Site Plan, including the portion of the lands severed from 740 Clonsilla Avenue and the provision of stormwater management facilities for the surrounding lands.





Other Business


There were no items of Other Business.





Moved by Mayor Bennett


That this meeting of Planning Committee adjourn at 6:54 p.m.





Natalie Garnett

Deputy City Clerk



Councillor Parnell



No Item Selected