Arts, Culture and Heritage Advisory Committee Minutes

City of Peterborough

October 13, 2016




Minutes of a Meeting of Arts, Culture and Heritage Advisory Committee Held on Thursday, October 13, 2016 in the Sutherland Room.


The Arts, Culture and Heritage Advisory Committee meeting was called to order by Dennis Carter-Edwards at 7:02 p.m. in the Sutherland Room.



Councillor Parnell

Dirk Verhulst

Andy Cragg

Bruce Stonehouse

Dennis Carter-Edwards

Bill Templeman



Bill Kimball

Peer Christensen

Councillor Pappas



Becky Rogers, Manager, Arts, Culture and Heritage Division

Erik Hanson, Heritage Resources Coordinator

Kendra Sedgwick, Committee Coordinator



Minutes – September 8 and September 22, 2016


Moved by Dirk Verhulst


That the minutes of the Arts, Culture and Heritage Advisory Committee meetings held on September 8 and September 22, 2016 be approved.






Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest


There were no disclosures of Pecuniary Interest.


Consent Agenda


Moved by Councillor Parnell


That item 6 be passed as part of the Consent Agenda.





Heritage Resources Coordinator

Report ACHAC16-048

Public Art Advisory Committee Update


Moved by Councillor Parnell


That the Arts, Culture and Heritage Advisory Committee (ACHAC) approve the recommendation outlined in Report ACHAC16-048, dated October 13, 2016 of the Heritage Resources Coordinator, as follows:


That the update on the Public Art projects for 2016 be received for information.





Director of Community Services

Report ACHAC16-038

Canada 150th Celebration


Moved by Bruce Stonehouse


That the presentation on Canada 150th Celebrations by Mike Melnik be deferred to a future Committee meeting.





Heritage Resources Coordinator

Report ACHAC16-045

Parks Canada Trent Severn Waterway Update


Darryl Whitehouse, Parks Canada made a presentation to Report ACHAC16-045.


Andy Cragg left the meeting at 8:03 p.m.


Moved by Bruce Stonehouse


That the Arts, Culture and Heritage Advisory Committee approve the recommendation outlined in Report ACHAC16-045, dated October 13, 2016 of the Heritage Resources Coordinator, as follows:


That a presentation on the work being undertaken on the Trent Severn Waterway in the Peterborough area be received for information. 





Heritage Resources Coordinator

Report ACHAC16-047

Heritage Preservation Office Report


Moved by Bill Templeman


That the Arts, Culture and Heritage Advisory Committee approve the recommendation outlined in Report ACHAC16-047, dated October 13, 2016 of the Heritage Resources Coordinator, as follows:


That the report with respect to the activities of the Heritage Preservation Office for September, 2016 be received for information.





Moved by Dirk Verhulst


That the Arts Culture and Heritage Advisory Committee Chair send a letter requesting that a natural and cultural history component and public art component be built in to the Bethune Street Reconstruction Project budget.




Other Business


Councillor Parnell discussed with the Committee the idea of commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Quaker Oats fire with a Memorial at Millennium Park.


Moved by Bill Templeman


That the Arts, Culture and Heritage Advisory Committee Chair be directed to send a letter to the Chair of the Arenas Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee requesting that they look in to the possibility of offering films in City Parks.







Moved by Dirk Verhulst


That this meeting of the Arts, Culture and Heritage Advisory Committee adjourn at 9:10 p.m.





Kendra Sedgwick

Committee Coordinator



Dennis Carter-Edwards


No Item Selected