Planning Committee Minutes

City of Peterborough

February 8, 2016




Minutes of a Meeting of Planning Committee held on February 8, 2016 in the Council Chambers, City Hall.


Planning Committee was called to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers by
Councillor Pappas, Vice Chair.


Roll Call:

Councillor Baldwin

Councillor Beamer

Councillor Clarke

Councillor Haacke

Councillor Pappas, Vice Chair

Councillor Parnell, Chair (arrived at 6:38 p.m.)

Councillor Riel

Councillor Therrien

Councillor Vassiliadis

Councillor McWilliams

Mayor Bennett


Confirmation of Minutes – November 16, 2015


Moved by Councillor Clarke


That the minutes of the meeting of Planning Committee held on November 16, 2015 be approved.





Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest


There were no disclosures of Interest.

Consent Agenda


Moved by Councillor Beamer


That items 5, 6 and 7 be approved as part of the Consent Agenda.





Manager, Planning Division

Report PLPD16-008

Removal of “H” – Holding Symbol from the Zoning of the property at 2235 Keene Road


Moved by Councillor Beamer


That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report PLPD16-008 dated

February 8, 2016, of the Manager, Planning Division, as follows:


That the property at 2235 Keene Road be rezoned from SP.51 ‘H’ - Special Commercial District to SP.51 - Special Commercial District in accordance with Exhibit ‘C’ attached to Report PLPD16-008.





Manager, Planning Division

Report PLPD16-009

Removal of “H” – Holding Symbol from the Zoning of the property at 933 Webber Avenue


Moved by Councillor Beamer


That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report PLPD16-009 dated

February 8, 2016, of the Manager, Planning Division, as follows:


That the property at 933 Webber Avenue be rezoned from SP.7 - ‘H’ - Special

Commercial District, to SP.7 - Special Commercial District, in accordance with Exhibit ‘C’ attached to Report PLPD16-009.




Manager, Planning Division

Report PLPD16-010

Removal of “H” – Holding Symbol from the Zoning of the property at 241 Rubidge Street


Moved by Councillor Beamer


That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report PLPD16-010 dated

February 8, 2016, of the Manager, Planning Division, as follows:


That the property at 241 Rubidge Street be rezoned from C.1-299 ‘H’ – Commercial District to C.1-299 – Commercial District in accordance with Exhibit ‘C’ attached to Report PLPD16-010.





Public Meeting Under the Planning Act

Manager, Planning Division

Report PLPD16-007

Proposed Amendments to the Major Institutions Policies and the UC – University and College Zoning District


Caroline Kimble, Land Use Planner, provided an overview of Report PLPD16-007.


Councillor Parnell arrived at 6:38 p.m. and assumed the Chair.


No one spoke in opposition to the application.


No one spoke in support of the application.


Moved by Councillor Therrien


That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report PLPD16-007 dated February 8, 2016, of the Manager, Planning Division, as follows:


a)          That Section 4.7 of the Official Plan – Major Institutions be repealed and replaced in accordance with the draft amendment attached as Exhibit “A” to Report PLPD16-007;


b)         That Section 23 of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law 97-123, be repealed and replaced in accordance with the draft amendment attached as Exhibit “B” to Report PLPD16-007.





Manager, Planning Division

Report PLPD16-005

Downtown Economic Analysis (DEA) Update


Mike Johnson and Rowan Faludi of urbanMetrics Inc. made a presentation.


Moved by Councillor Pappas


That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report PLPD16-005 dated February 8, 2016, of the Manager, Planning Division, as follows:

a)            That the Downtown Economic Analysis Update, dated February 25, 2015, revised December 7, 2015, prepared by urbanMetrics inc., be received.

b)           That the Downtown Economic Analysis Update be formally released as a Planning Study for the City of Peterborough to guide any refinements to municipal policies and strategies regarding the Central Area, in particular, the Official Plan Update and the Mayor’s Downtown Revitalization Report.




Other Business


Growth Targets and Subdivision Planning


Moved by Councillor Pappas


That staff provide a report on growth targets in the City and an update on subdivision planning, build-out and inventory.







Moved by Mayor Bennett


That this meeting of Planning Committee adjourn at 8:40 p.m.





John Kennedy

City Clerk



Councillor Parnell



No Item Selected