Report IPSPL21-011
That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report IPSPL21-011 dated March 1, 2021, of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services, as follows:
a) That the Zoning By-law be amended to add Exception 340 to Section 3.9, to reflect the site specific regulations related to minimum parking, minimum setbacks from side and rear lot lines, and minimum distance of driveway/parking areas to windows of habitable rooms, in accordance with the draft amendment attached as Exhibit ‘D’ to Report IPSPL20-011;
b) That approximately 0.8 ha. (1.98 ac.) of the northerly portion of the subject property be rezoned from the R.1 – Residential District to the R.5-340-H – Residential District and that approximately 0.7 ha. (1.7 ac.) of the southerly portion of the lands by rezoned from the R.1 – Residential District to the OS.1 – Open Space District 1, in accordance with Exhibit ‘D‘ to Report IPSPL21-011; and
c) That the ‘H’ Holding Symbol be removed at such time as:
I. that portion of the lands zoned OS.1 is dedicated to the City for hazard land and parkland, and any purchase of excess lands is completed, or at such time as the Developer has entered into an agreement with the City with respect to the dedication of that portion of the lands and any additional requirement for payment, or combination thereof, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O 1990 c.P.13 and the City’s Parkland Dedication By-law; and
II. that Site Plan Approval is granted to facilitate the development of the northerly portion of the lands, and that the associated Site Plan Agreement include the following provisions:
i. that the developer extend an asphalt walkway from the subject lands, westerly within the south side of Parkhill Road East portion of the right-of-way, to the sidewalk along Parkhill Road East, to facilitate a pedestrian connection to the nearest transit stop;
ii. that a flashing light beacon be installed on the signage on the hidden driveway sign on Parkhill Road East, to address the constrained sight distance subject to the relocation of the sign to the west side of the bridge (in the north boulevard near the Guard House) and that the flashing light only be activated when a vehicle is pulling out from the driveway entrance to the subject lands, with a detection device. All of this to be paid for and installed by the developer, subject to the satisfaction of the City and in coordination with Parks Canada, relative to the existing swing bridge and any infrastructure Parks Canada may have in place related to their operation;
iii. that the Conservation Approach detailed in the Heritage Impact Assessment prepared in support of the application, including maintaining mature trees that largely screen views to the building from the canal, providing variation in the building form to break up the perception of the massing and differing roof treatments, including gabled topped bays facing the road and canal, and providing a varied exterior material palette, all be reflected in the approved landscape plan and architectural drawings, to be circulated to Parks Canada for review;
iv. that further information on anticipated vibration levels associated with demolition and construction of the development be provided to Parks Canada given the proximity of the development to the canal’s earthen dams.
v. that a tree canopy compensation payment, as required within Schedule B of the Woodland Conservation By-law 17-121 and based upon the existing vegetation on the site prior to any notified or permitted removals, be addressed to the satisfaction of the City;
vi. Road widening along the Parkhill Road East frontage as prescribed by Table 2 of the Official Plan;
vii. Provisions for payment of a proportionate share of the cost of downstream improvements to the local sanitary system be made.