City Council Meeting Agenda

Electronic Meeting

In order to speak as a registered delegation at a Council meeting, individuals must register as a delegation no later than 11:00 a.m. on the day of the meeting.  To register, complete the online application at www.peterborough/delegations, or phone 705-742-7777 ext. 1820.

9.a, 9.b, 9.c, 9.d, 9.e, 9.f, 9.g
10.a, 10.b, 10.c, 10.d, 10.e, 10.f, 10.g, 10.h, 1o.i, 10.j
12.a, 12.b, 12.c

That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CLSHR21-001 dated March 1, 2021 of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services as follows:

That, respecting Public Works Mechanic wages , staff be authorized to proceed as outlined in Report CLSHR21-001, dated March 21, 2021, from the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services.

Report IPSPL21-007

That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report IPSPL21-007, dated March 1, 2021, of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services, as follows:

That the zoning of the lands known as 694 Sherbrooke Street be amended from the existing R.1, 1e, 2h, 4e – 194 to R.1, 1e, 2h, 4e – H in accordance with Exhibit ‘C’ attached to Report IPSPL21-007.

Report IPSPL21-006

That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report IPSPL21-006, dated March 1, 2021, of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services, as follows:

a) That the SP.85 – Commercial District be modified to add ‘a clinic’ as a permitted use and update regulations 115.3(g), (h), and (j) in accordance with Exhibit ‘C’ attached to Report IPSPL21-006.

b) That the SP.85 – H – Commercial District, as modified, apply to the lands known as 159 Aylmer Street North, in accordance with Exhibit ‘C’ attached to Report IPSPL21-006;

c) That the ‘H’ Holding Symbol be removed at such time as Site Plan Approval is granted in accordance with City requirements, to address changes to the parking area and landscape space.

Report IPSPL21-011

That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report IPSPL21-011 dated March 1, 2021, of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services, as follows:

a) That the Zoning By-law be amended to add Exception 340 to Section 3.9, to reflect the site specific regulations related to minimum parking, minimum setbacks from side and rear lot lines, and minimum distance of driveway/parking areas to windows of habitable rooms, in accordance with the draft amendment attached as Exhibit ‘D’ to Report IPSPL20-011;

b) That approximately 0.8 ha. (1.98 ac.) of the northerly portion of the subject property be rezoned from the R.1 – Residential District to the R.5-340-H – Residential District and that approximately 0.7 ha. (1.7 ac.) of the southerly portion of the lands by rezoned from the R.1 – Residential District to the OS.1 – Open Space District 1, in accordance with Exhibit ‘D‘ to Report IPSPL21-011; and

c) That the ‘H’ Holding Symbol be removed at such time as:

I. that portion of the lands zoned OS.1 is dedicated to the City for hazard land and parkland, and any purchase of excess lands is completed, or at such time as the Developer has entered into an agreement with the City with respect to the dedication of that portion of the lands and any additional requirement for payment, or combination thereof, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O 1990 c.P.13 and the City’s Parkland Dedication By-law; and

II. that Site Plan Approval is granted to facilitate the development of the northerly portion of the lands, and that the associated Site Plan Agreement include the following provisions:

i. that the developer extend an asphalt walkway from the subject lands, westerly within the south side of Parkhill Road East portion of the right-of-way, to the sidewalk along Parkhill Road East, to facilitate a pedestrian connection to the nearest transit stop;

ii. that a flashing light beacon be installed on the signage on the hidden driveway sign on Parkhill Road East, to address the constrained sight distance subject to the relocation of the sign to the west side of the bridge (in the north boulevard near the Guard House) and that the flashing light only be activated when a vehicle is pulling out from the driveway entrance to the subject lands, with a detection device. All of this to be paid for and installed by the developer, subject to the satisfaction of the City and in coordination with Parks Canada, relative to the existing swing bridge and any infrastructure Parks Canada may have in place related to their operation;

iii. that the Conservation Approach detailed in the Heritage Impact Assessment prepared in support of the application, including maintaining mature trees that largely screen views to the building from the canal, providing variation in the building form to break up the perception of the massing and differing roof treatments, including gabled topped bays facing the road and canal, and providing a varied exterior material palette, all be reflected in the approved landscape plan and architectural drawings, to be circulated to Parks Canada for review;

iv. that further information on anticipated vibration levels associated with demolition and construction of the development be provided to Parks Canada given the proximity of the development to the canal’s earthen dams.

v. that a tree canopy compensation payment, as required within Schedule B of the Woodland Conservation By-law 17-121 and based upon the existing vegetation on the site prior to any notified or permitted removals, be addressed to the satisfaction of the City;

vi. Road widening along the Parkhill Road East frontage as prescribed by Table 2 of the Official Plan;

vii. Provisions for payment of a proportionate share of the cost of downstream improvements to the local sanitary system be made.

Report IPSPL21-012

That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report IPSPL21-012 dated March 1, 2021, of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services, as follows:

a) That the Zoning By-law be amended to modify Exception 232 in Section 3.9, to prescribe revised site-specific regulations in accordance with the draft amendment attached as Exhibit ‘D’ to Report IPSPL21-012;

b) That the subject properties be rezoned from the D.1 – Development District to the R.5-232-H – Residential District; from the R.1 – Residential District to the R.5-232-H – Residential District; from the R.5-232 – Residential District to the R.5-232-H – Residential District; and from the R.5-232 – Residential District to the OS.1 – Open Space District in accordance with Exhibit ‘D’ attached to Report IPSPL21-012; and

c) That the ‘H’ Holding Symbol be removed at such time as:

i. The City owned portion of the Kawartha Crescent Right of Way included in the Subject Lands, is transferred to the owner of 1295 Kawartha Cres, and consolidated with the subject lands;

ii. That Site Plan Approval be granted for the subject lands, incorporating the existing approved Site Plan for the lands known as 1253 Lansdowne Street West;

iii. That all necessary easements be registered on title to facilitate driveways, servicing and parking as necessary, in accordance with the approved Site Plan; and

iv. That the Site Plan Agreement require the owner to include Notes and Warning Clauses in any purchase and lease agreements and/or condominium agreement for all units located within the north most building as per the conclusions of the Environmental Noise Impact Study, prepared by Aercoustics Engineering Ltd., dated April 15, 2019.

v. That provisions for payment of a proportionate share of the cost of any downstream improvements to the local sanitary system be made.

vi. That the submission of a Tree Preservation and Planting Plan be incorporated into the Site Plan Agreement, to the satisfaction of ORCA.

That the petition from Committee for Changeroom Choice, be received for information.

That the survey regarding the proposed renovations to the Sport and Wellness Centre changerooms be extended to accept public comment until April 2, 2021;

That hard copies of the survey be made available at the Sport and Wellness Centre; and,

That the survey results be reported to Council in April.

Amended Recommendation:

That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report IPSRE21-004, dated March 8, 2021, of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services, as follows:

That staff be authorized to proceed as amended, as outlined in Closed Session dated March 8, 2021.

Report CLSFS21-007

That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CLSFS21-007, dated March 8, 2021, of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services, as follows:

That the 2020 Remuneration and Expense Statements for Council Members and Council appointees to boards and commissions, outlined in report CLSFS21-007, dated March 8, 2021 of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services, be received for information.

Report PKED21-004

That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report PKED21-004 dated March 8, 2021 of the Board Chair and President & CEO of Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development, as follows:

a) That Report PKED21-004 and supporting presentation, providing the Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development 2021 Business Plan be received for information.

At the meeting of March 8, 2021 Committee added item b) as follows:

b) That the Mayor and Chairs of Economic Development support the conversations between Peterborough and the Kawarthas Economic Development and the County regarding the Municipal Accommodation Tax.

Report CSD21-003

That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CSD21-003, dated March 8, 2021, of the Commissioner of Community Services, as follows:

That the presentation by Bill Lett and City Staff be received for information.

Report CLSFS21-006

That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report CLSFS21-006 dated March 8, 2021, of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services, as follows:

a) That the Preliminary December 2020 Financial Update Report (unaudited) attached as Appendix A to Report CLSFS21-006, dated March 8, 2020, be received;

b) That if the funding application is successful, a by-law be passed authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to sign the Audit and Accountability Program transfer payment agreement and amendments between Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Corporation of the City of Peterborough pertaining to the streamlining of the Development Review Process;

c) That By-law 17-095 be amended to allow the Downtown Business Improvement Association (DBIA) to secure a credit card with a limit of up to $10,000 for the purpose of the efficient processing of account payables;

d) That $71,840.28 from the 2020 Peterborough Memorial Centre Operating Budget be paid to the Lakers’ Lacrosse Association Inc. to compensate for financial losses incurred by the organization as a result of their 2019 season relocation to the Evinrude Centre; and

e) That the monthly lease payments of Market Hall Performing Arts Inc. in the amount of $1,958.33, be deferred from March 2020 to October 2021, and that when operations do return to normal, that a payment plan be established to reimburse the City for the amounts outstanding.

Report CLSFS21-008

That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report CLSFS21-008 dated March 8, 2021 of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services, as follows:

a) That the following capital projects proceed in 2021 and that the 2021 Capital Budget for each project be revised and/or established as described in Tables 1 to 6 of this Report:

i. Applegrove Avenue Reconstruction - Chemong Road to Highland Road;
ii. LED Lighting Retrofit at King Street Parking Garage;
iii. Beavermead Entry Pavilion;
iv. Lansdowne and Monaghan Rail Crossing Removal;
v. Pavement Preservation Program;
vi. Rotary Trail/Faryon Bridge Project;

b) That Debenture By-laws be passed authorizing the issuance of $1,550,000 of Tax supported debentures and the issuance of $1,250,000 of Waste Water Reserve Fund supported debentures and $450,000 of Development Charge - Parks supported debentures for the Applegrove Avenue Reconstruction Project, the LED Lighting Retrofit at King Street Parking Garage Project and the Beavermead Entry Pavilion Project as further detailed in Tables 1 to 3 of this report;

c) That the sidewalk policy be waived, to authorize a sidewalk to be constructed on the south side only of Applegrove Avenue, from Highland Road to Chemong Road; and

d) That the $2,240,654 in Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund be directed towards the Pavement Preservation Program and the Rotary Trail / Faryon Project as detailed in Tables 5 and 6 of this report.

Report CSD21-001 

That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report CSD21-001 dated March 8, 2021, of the Commissioner of Community Services, as follows:

a) That the 2021 Community Project Grants in the total amount of $15,590 be allocated to various community groups as outlined in Appendix A - 2021 Proposed Community Project Grant Funding;

b) That the remaining $4,460 in the 2021 Community Project Grant budget be allocated to the 2021 Community Investment Grants; and

c) That the 2021 Community Investment Grants in the total amount of $209,500 plus the additional $4,460 from the Project Grants for a total of $213,960 be allocated to various local charitable and Not-For-Profit organizations (NFP’s) as outlined in Appendix B - 2021 Proposed Community Investment Grant Funding.

Report CSSS21-003

That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CSSS21-004, dated March 8, 2021, of the Commissioner of Community Services, as follows:

That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute agreements with the United Way for the provision of $800,000 in funding under Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan to Support People Experiencing and At Risk of Homelessness towards the purchase, costs and use related to 681 Monaghan Road on terms satisfactory to the Commissioner of Community Services and in forms acceptable to the City Solicitor.  

Report CSAD21-004

That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report CSAD21-004 dated March 8, 2021 of the Commissioner of Community Services, as follows:

a) That staff proceed with the Drive-In Event Stage plans as described in Report CSAD21-004 for 2021 Drive-In Event opportunities; and

b) That staff continue to work with community partner organizations to maximize the usage of the stage and to ensure recovery of the City’s costs.

At the meeting of March 8, 2021, item c) was added as follows:

c) That education on Peterborough's Anti-Idling By-law, and the health and climate related impacts of vehicle emissions, be incorporated with event materials including tickets.

Report IPSENG21-008

Amended Recommendation:

a) That the roads identified for re-surfacing in 2021, in Chart 1 of Report IPSENG21-008, be amended by deleting the current list of roads and replacing with the follow roads:

Arthur Avenue
Belmont Avenue
Hunter Street West from Walton to Belmont
Facendi Drive
Facendi Ct
Cindy Street
Beverly Avenue
Collison Crescent
Deana Blvd from O'Leary to Martin
O'Leary Avenue

b) That staff be directed to update the 2019-2021 Roads Program list of streets (Appendix B to Report IPSENG21-008) to reflect any changes made to the streets listed in Chart 1 or the report.

Report IPSPL21-015

That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report IPSPL21-015 dated March 8, 2021, of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services, as follows:

That a Minor Variance Application to address a variance request as described in Report IPSPL21-015 be permitted to proceed to the City of Peterborough Committee of Adjustment, for the property known as 265 Edinburgh Street, within two years of the passing of Zoning By-law Amendment No. 20-079.

Subject to approval by General Committee on March 22, 2021

Report IPSPL21-013

That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report IPSPL21-013, dated March 22, 2021, of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services, as follows:

That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the Crane Swing and Shoring Agreement, between the City of Peterborough and TVM Hunter Street East Inc., on terms acceptable to the Commissioner and in a form acceptable to the City Solicitor.

Report CSSS21-006

That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report CSSS21-006, dated March 22, 2021, of the Commissioner of Community Services, as follows:

a) That up to $604,000 in capital funding be approved for three (3) additional affordable rental units at 1545 Monaghan Road (The Mount Community Centre), using SSRF program funding; and

b) That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute agreements with the Mount Community Centre for the provision of funding and to ensure affordable rents and selection of eligible tenants from the By-Name Priority List, on terms satisfactory to the Commissioner of Community Services and in forms acceptable to the City Solicitor.

Moved by Councillor Akapo
Seconded by Councillor Vassiliadis

a) That the City of Peterborough supports the efforts of the high frequency rail project between Montreal and Toronto to support passenger rail service, as this infrastructure project will assist with efforts to address the effects of climate change as well as benefit the regional economy through improved transportation links and,

b) That the Clerk, on behalf of Council for the City of Peterborough, forward this motion in a letter to Peterborough-Kawartha MP Maryam Monsef, Peterborough MPP Dave Smith, Minister of Transport Canada, MP Marc Garneau and Ontario Minister of Transportation, MPP Caroline Mulroney.


Being a By-law to authorize the 2021 portion of the Applegrove Avenue – Chemong Road to Highland Road Reconstruction project at an estimated cost of $2,700,000 and the issuing of Waste Water Reserve Fund (WWRF) debentures to a maximum of $1,250,000 and Tax-Supported debentures to a maximum of $1,450,000 to finance the work


Being a By-law to authorize the 2021 portion of the King Street Parking LED Retrofit project at an estimated cost of $250,000 and the issuing of tax-supported debentures to a maximum of $100,000 to finance the work


Being a By-law to authorize the Beavermead Entry Pavilion Project at an estimated cost of $500,000 and the issuing of Development Charge (DC) (Parks) supported debentures to a maximum of $450,000 to finance the work


Being a by-law to amend By-law 17-095 regarding Downtown Business Improvement Area


Being a By-law to authorize the execution of the transfer payment agreement and any subsequent corresponding agreements or amendments between Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for the transfer of the Audit and Accountability Fund to the Municipality for funding to streamline the Development Review Process


Being a By-law to amend the Zoning By-law for the lands known as 159 Aylmer Street North


Being a By-law to amend the Zoning By-law for the lands known as 349 Parkhill Road East


Being a By-law to amend the Zoning By-law for the lands known as 694 Sherbrooke Street


Being a By-law to amend the Zoning By-law for the lands known as 1289 and 1295 Kawartha Crescent and 1253 Lansdowne Street West


Being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council at its regular meeting held on March 22, 2021

No Item Selected