General Committee Meeting Agenda

Council Chambers, City Hall
500 George Street North

Resolution to meet in Closed Session


Closed Session Minutes for Approval


March 11, 2024


March 18, 2024


Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest


Section 239(2)(b) Personal matters about an identifiable individual - Appointment


Section 239(2)(c) A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality - Property Acquisition


13.a, 13.b, 13.c, 13.d, 13.e, 13.f, 13.g, 13.h, 13.i, 13.j

Whereas, the Parks and Outdoor Recreation Facilities Study (Report CSR23-002) states regarding Pickleball Strategy, “it is recommended that courts be developed in clusters of 8, located at least 150 metres from residential areas”; 

Whereas, the Bonnerworth site plan proposes 16 outdoor courts under 150 metres from residential areas;

Whereas, the noise impact, already proving to problematic to health and wellbeing widely, as well as in Peterborough’s current close-to-residential locations, would be doubly impactful to the immediate neighbours with a 16 outdoor court plan;

Whereas, Peterborough’s Mixed-Use Corridor Urban Design Guideline recommends that Urban Community parks support a balance of active and passive uses and a minimizing of hardscaping (balance of open-air green space);

Whereas, based on the above Urban Community Park Design Guideline that Bonnerworth should strive to be accessible, diverse, equitable and inclusive; 

Whereas, based on the same Urban Community Park Design Guideline, urban community parks, should minimize safety risks for those with those accessibility needs and pedestrian park users;

Whereas, Peterborough Housing Corporation (ie. 555 McDonnell St., Hunt Terraces) includes tenants with accessibility and safety needs; 

And whereas, the current proposal includes increased parking to accommodate an extraordinarily high volume of 16-court pickleball vehicle traffic, thus significantly increasing park-user safety risks;


That the proposed plan for Bonnerworth Park presented at the March 21st Public Consultation at 577 McDonnel St, be brought before Council for discussion of alternative Pickleball/Tennis solutions, with a report back to council before any work on Bonnerworth proceeds.