Planning Committee Minutes

City of Peterborough

March 20, 2017



Minutes of a special meeting of Planning Committee held on March 20, 2017 in the Council Chambers, City Hall.


Planning Committee was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers by Councillor Parnell, Chair.


Roll Call:

Councillor Baldwin

Councillor Beamer

Councillor Clarke

Councillor Haacke

Councillor Parnell, Chair

Councillor Pappas

Councillor Riel

Councillor Therrien

Councillor Vassiliadis

Councillor McWilliams

Mayor Bennett



Confirmation of Minutes – February 27, 2017


Moved by Councillor Pappas


That the minutes of the meeting of Planning Committee held on February 27, 2017 be approved.





Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest


Councillor Haacke declared an interest in Report PLPD17-013, Application for Site Plan Approval, 145 Langton Street, 92 Unit Single Storey Duplex and Rowhouse Development, as the applicant is a client.

Consent Agenda


Moved by Councillor McWilliams


That items 3, 4, 5, and 7 be approved as part of the Consent Agenda.





Director, Planning and Development Services

Report PLPD17-014

Removal of “H” – Holding Symbol from the Zoning of the property at 191 Bethune Street


Moved by Councillor McWilliams


That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report PLPD17-014 dated March 20, 2017, of the Director, Planning and Development Services, as follows:

That the property at 191 Bethune Street be rezoned from the R.3, 3p, 4k, 19d – ‘H’ – Residential District to R.3, 3p, 4k, 19d – Residential District in accordance with Exhibit ‘C’ attached to Report PLPD17-014.





Director, Planning and Development Services

Report PLPD17-011

Establishment of a Special Area Charge for Rear Laneways

Registered Plan of Subdivision 45M-247

Mason Homes Limited


Moved by Councillor McWilliams


That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report PLPD17-011 dated March 20, 2017, of the Director, Planning and Development Services, as follows:

That the By-law attached to Report PLPD17-011 as Exhibit A be approved to establish a Special Area Charge pursuant to Section 326 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25 as amended, applicable to certain lots and blocks within Plan 45M-247 that abut and rely upon a rear laneway for vehicular access.


Director, Planning and Development Services

Report PLPD17-003B

53 Leahy’s Lane


Moved by Councillor McWilliams


That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report PLPD17-003B dated March 20, 2017, of the Director, Planning and Development Services, as follows:

a)            That the draft By-law attached to Report PLPD17-003 be amended to eliminate the exception for Maximum Parking Lot Coverage, and Section 3.9 - Exceptions adding Exception .311 in accordance with Exhibit ‘C’ attached to Report PLPD17-003B; and

b)           That the zoning of 53 Leahy’s Lane be amended from R.1 – Residential District to R.3-311 – Residential District in accordance with Exhibit ‘C’ attached to Report PLPD17-003B.




Director, Planning and Development Services

Report PLPD17-010

Delegated Subdivision Approval Activity for 2016


Moved by Councillor McWilliams


That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report PLPD17-010 dated March 20, 2017, of the Director, Planning and Development Services, as follows:


That Report PLPD17-010 be received for information.





The meeting recessed at 7:05 p.m. and reconvened at 8:03 p.m.



Director, Planning and Development Services

Report PLPD17-013

Application for Site Plan Approval, 145 Langton Street, 92 Unit Single Storey Duplex and Rowhouse Development


Due to his previously declared interest, Councillor Haacke did not discuss or vote on this item.


Moved by Councillor Riel


That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report PLPD17-013 dated March 20, 2017, of the Director, Planning and Development Services, as follows:

That the Site Plan Application submitted by Parkview Homes for the construction of a 92 unit single storey duplex and rowhouse development at 145 Langton Street be approved, subject to the following conditions:

a)            The submission of an acoustical study to determine the specifications required to abate noise for the rear yards of dwelling units adjacent to Langton Street;

b)           The submission of revised drawings and additional technical information to the satisfaction of the Director of the City’s Utility Services Department;

c)            The construction of a driveway connection to the existing driveway on the Fairhaven property to be used for emergency access only;


d)           The approval by the Fairhaven Board of Directors for a storm sewer outlet on to the Fairhaven property for phase two of the subject property’s development;

e)            The deposit of a parkland levy in accordance with the Planning Act, as amended and

f)             The deposit of site work performance security in the amount of $100,000.00.




New Business


Moved by Councillor Riel


That staff provide a report within two Council cycles on the Property Standards By-law with regard to addressing the drainage of water onto neighbouring properties.







Moved by Mayor Bennett


That this meeting of Planning Committee adjourn at 8:15 p.m.





Natalie Garnett

Deputy City Clerk



Councillor Parnell
