Committee of Adjustment Agenda

Council Chambers, City Hall

Address: 788 Aylmer Street North
Applicant: 2695867 Ontario Limited
Owner: 2695867 Ontario Limited

File No. A50/19
Address: 788 Aylmer Street North
Applicant: 2695867 Ontario Limited
Owner: 2695867 Ontario Limited

Address: 101 Auburn Street
Applicants: Dan VanSlageren and Coutney VanSlageren
Owners: Dan VanSlageren and Coutney VanSlageren

Address: 15 Moir Street
Applicant: Dallas DeCarlo
Owner: Dallas DeCarlo

Address: 350 Braidwood Avenue
Applicants: Wendy Hockley and David Nolan
Owners: Wendy Hockley and David Nolan

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