Special City Council Meeting Agenda

Council Chambers, City Hall
500 George Street North

To speak as a registered delegation, individuals must register no later than 11:00 a.m. on the day of the meeting.  To register, complete the online application at www.peterborough.ca/delegations, or phone 705-742-7777 ext. 1820.

That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report FCSFS24-023, dated October 28, 2024 of the Commissioner, Finance & Corporate Support Services as follows:

a) That the Development Charge rates, as shown on Table 2 of Report FCSFS24-023 be approved;

b) That the development-related capital program included in the 2024 City-Wide Development Charges Background Study, be adopted subject to annual review through the City’s normal capital budget process;

c) That By-laws 19-095 and 19-096 (as amended by By-laws 22-061 and 22-062, respectively), be repealed effective January 1, 2025, provided that the By-laws will continue to be in force and effect to the extent only of development charges that became payable under them prior to their repeal and that remain unpaid as at their repeal;

d) That a by-law be passed to impose the City-wide Services Development Charge Rate, with a ten-year term covering January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2034;

e) That the Development Charges be adjusted by the City Treasurer without amendment to the by-laws annually on January 1 of each year, commencing January 1, 2025, in accordance with the most recent annual change in the Statistics Canada Quarterly Construction Price Statistics;

f) That the development charges deferral agreement, dated June 23, 2006, between The Corporation of the City of Peterborough and Peterborough and District Home Builders Association Inc., now named Peterborough Kawartha Home Builders Association, be terminated effective immediately.