Planning Committee Minutes

City of Peterborough

September 15, 2014

Draft Minutes Not Approved



Minutes of a Meeting of Planning Committee held on September 15, 2014 in the Council Chambers, City Hall.


Planning Committee was called to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers.


Roll Call:

Councillor Beamer

Councillor Clarke

Councillor Doris

Councillor Hall, Chair

Councillor Juby   

Councillor McWilliams

Councillor Pappas

Councillor Parnell   

Councillor Riel

Councillor Vass

Mayor Bennett



Confirmation of Minutes – August 25, 2014


Moved by Mayor Bennett


That the minutes of the meeting of Planning Committee held on August 25, 2014 be approved.





Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest


Councillor Pappas declared an interest in item 7 (Report PLPD14-059, Removal of “H” – Holding Symbol from the Zoning of a portion of the property at 1545 Monaghan Road), as he has family members living in the vicinity of the subject property.


Consent Agenda


Moved by Councillor Clarke


That items 6 and 8 be approved as part of the Consent Agenda.





Manager, Planning Division

Report PLPD14-061

Amendments to the Sign By-law for the Regulation of Electronic Signs: Proposed Extension to the Interim Control By-law


Moved by Councillor Clarke


That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report PLPD14-061 dated September 15, 2014, of the Manager, Planning Division, as follows:

That the Interim Control By-law prohibiting the issuance of a permit for an electronic sign be extended for a five month period to expire March 4, 2015, to allow time for further consultation and research be approved in accordance with Exhibit A attached to Report PLPD14-061.





Manager, Planning Division

Report PLPD14-060

Removal of “H” – Holding Symbol from the Zoning of the properties at 384 Rogers Street and 185 Hunter Street East


Moved by Councillor Clarke


That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report PLPD14-060 dated September 15, 2014, of the Manager, Planning Division, as follows:

That the properties at 384 Rogers Street and 185 Hunter Street East be rezoned from SP. 356 - “H”- Residential District to SP. 356 - Residential District in accordance with Exhibit “C” attached to Report PLPD14-060.




Public Meeting Under The Planning Act

Manager, Planning Division

Report PLPD14-047

565 Stewart Street


Caroline Kimble, Planner, Land Use provided an overview of Report PLPD14-047.


No one spoke in opposition to, or in support of the application.


Kevin Duguay, 560 Romaine Street, agent for the applicant, spoke to the application.


Moved by Councillor Juby


That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report PLPD14-047 dated September 15, 2014, of the Manager, Planning Division, as follows:

a)            That Section 3.9 – Exceptions, of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law #1997-123 be amended to add Exception 293 to prohibit the use of the property for a Boarding House; to reduce the minimum lot area per dwelling unit to 170 square metres; reduce the minimum setback from the intersection of two side lot lines to 4m; permitting up to 2 x 2 tandem parking spaces within 0m from the westerly lot line, in accordance with the draft amendment attached as Exhibit ‘C’ to Report

b)           That the zoning of the subject property be amended from the R.1 - Residential District to the R.3-293 - ‘H’ – Residential District, in accordance with the draft amendment attached as Exhibit ‘C’ to Report PLPD14-047.

c)            That the ‘H’ Holding Symbol be removed subject to the following:

i)             Conveyance of land for a daylighting triangle at the northwest corner of the intersection of Stewart Street and London Street;

ii)            Encroachment Agreement with the City for the use and maintenance of the retaining wall within the Right of Way for Stewart Street and removal of the same at such time as the City requires the land;

iii)           Survey to confirm location of retaining wall and parking encroachment; and

iv)          Confirmation of adequate site servicing for the third unit.

v)            Confirmation from Fire Services and from the Building Division of the City of Peterborough, that the units comply with the requirements of the Ontario Building Code and the Ontario Fire Code;

vi)          Payment of cash-in-lieu of parkland for the third unit; and

vii)         Payment of all applicable development charges for the third unit.





Public Meeting Under The Planning Act

Manager, Planning Division

Report PLPD14-057
294 Rubidge Street


Caroline Kimble, Planner, Land Use provided an overview of Report PLPD14-057.


John Butcher, 287 Stewart Street, spoke in opposition to the application.


No one spoke in support of the application.


Mary Blair, 1721 Waddell Avenue, the applicant, spoke to the application.


Moved by Councillor Juby


That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report PLPD14-057 dated September 15, 2014, of the Manager, Planning Division, as follows:

a)            That the zoning of 294 Rubidge Street be amended from the R.3,R.4 – Residential District to the SP.241 - ‘H’ – Commercial District in accordance with the draft amendment attached as Exhibit ‘C’ to Report PLPD14-057.

b)            That the ‘H’ – Holding Symbol be removed subject to the following:

i)             Site Plan Approval being granted for the property.





Public Meeting Under The Planning Act

Manager, Planning Division

Report PLPD14-058
482 Mark Street


Caroline Kimble, Planner, Land Use provided an overview of Report PLPD14-058.


Councillor Juby left the meeting at 7:57 p.m. and returned at 8:00 p.m.


The following spoke in opposition to the application:


Tim Hadfield, 488 Mark Street.


Courtney Ramsay, 496 and 473 Mark Street.


Robin and Hermoine Rivison, 482 Mark Street, the applicants, spoke to the application.


Moved by Councillor Vass


That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report PLPD14-058 dated September 15, 2014, of the Manager, Planning Division, as follows:

a)            That Section 3.4 – Alternative Regulations, of Comprehensive Zoning By-law #1997-123 be amended to add a provision to reduce the minimum building setback from the rear lot line in accordance with the draft amendment attached as Exhibit ‘C’ to Report PLPD14-058.

b)           That the zoning of the subject property, be amended from the R.1, R.2 - Residential District to the R.3,7c, 10l,14h,16b,20a – 292 – H District, in accordance with the draft amendment attached as Exhibit ‘C’ to Report

c)            That the ‘H’ Holding Symbol be removed subject to the following:

i)           Site Plan Approval is granted for the subject property;

ii)          Payment of cash-in-lieu of parkland for the third unit; and

iii)         Payment of all applicable development charges for the third unit.





Manager, Planning Division

Report PLPD14-059

Removal of “H” – Holding Symbol from the Zoning of a portion of the property at 1545 Monaghan Road


Councillor Pappas did not discuss or vote on Report PLPD14-059 due to his previously declared interest.


Moved by Councillor Clarke


That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report PLPD14-059 dated September 15, 2014, of the Manager, Planning Division, as follows:

That the property at 1545 Monaghan Road be rezoned from SP. 346 - “H”-Residential District to SP. 346 - Residential District in accordance with Exhibit “C” attached to Report PLPD14-059.





Other Business


Councillor Hall was thanked for chairing the Planning Committee over the past term of Council. 


Councillor Hall recognized the contributions of Councillor Doris to the Planning Committee over his years on Council.




Moved by Mayor Bennett


That this meeting of Planning Committee adjourn at 8:57 p.m.





Natalie Garnett

 Deputy City Clerk



Councillor Hall


No Item Selected