Accessibility Advisory Committee

City of Peterborough

June 7, 2017




Minutes of a Meeting of the Accessibility Advisory Committee held on June 7, 2017 in the Doris Room.


The meeting of the Accessibility Advisory Committee was called to order at 4:04 p.m. by Councillor Riel, Chair in the Doris Room, City Hall.



Councillor Riel, Chair

Andrea Dodsworth

Warren Northcott

Erica Richmond

Andrea Walsh

Thomas Street

Don Parnell

Amanda Motyer

Ben McColl



Sharron Hayton, Customer Service Coordinator

Patricia Reed, Accessibility and Communication Specialist

Mark Buffone, Accessibility Compliance Coordinator

Kendra Sedgwick, Committee Coordinator

Phil Jacobs, Supervisor, Parks and Forestry


Minutes – May 3, 2017


Moved by Warren Northcott


That the minutes of the Accessibility Advisory Committee held on May 3, 2017 be approved.





Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest


There were no disclosures of Pecuniary Interest.




Consent Agenda


Moved by Andrea Dodsworth


That items 10 and 11 be approved as part of the Consent Agenda.





The Chair advised that Becky Rogers, Manager, Arts, Culture and Heritage Division was in attendance and would provide the Committee with a verbal update on the Public Art Process.



Accessibility and Communication Specialist

Report AAC17-041

Draft Transportation Sub-Committee Terms of Reference


Moved by Andrea Dodsworth


That the Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) approve the recommendations outlined in Report AAC17-041 dated June 7, 2017, of the Accessibility and Communication Specialist as follows:

a)            That the AAC approve the Draft Transportation Sub-Committee Terms of Reference;

b)           That the AAC approve the proposed transition to stagger the terms of current Sub-Committee members.





Accessibility and Communication Specialist

Accessibility Compliance Coordinator

Report AAC17-038

Accessibility Office Report


Moved by Andrea Dodsworth


That the Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) approve the recommendation outlined in Report AAC17-038 dated June 7, 2017, of the Accessibility and Communication Specialist and the Accessibility Compliance Coordinator as follows:


That Report AAC17-038 with respect to the current work of the Accessibility Office be received for information.





Accessibility and Communication Specialist

Report AAC17-043

Age-friendly Peterborough 2017 Community Action Plan


Sarah Cullingham, Age-friendly Coordinator, provide a presentation.


Moved by Andrea Dodsworth


That the Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) approve the recommendation outlined in Report AAC17-043 dated June 7, 2017, of the Accessibility and Communication Specialist as follows:


That the presentation by the Age-friendly Coordinator on the Age-friendly Peterborough 2017 Community Action Plan be received for information.





Accessibility and Communication Specialist

Report AAC17-036

Beach Access Route Update


A presentation was provided by Phil Jacobs, Supervisor, Parks and Forestry.


Moved by Thomas Street


That the Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) approve the recommendation outlined in Report AAC17-036 dated June 7, 2017, of the Accessibility and Communication Specialist as follows:


That the presentation by the Supervisor of Parks and Forestry on the potential beach access route(s) be received for information.





Moved by Don Parnell


That the Accessibility Advisory Committee approve an access fund expenditure of up to $25,000 for a 1.8 metre wide asphalt path and the purchase of a beach access mat for the Beavermead Park.





Moved by Warren Northcott


That the verbal update on the Public Art process provided by Becky Rogers, Manager, Arts, Culture and Heritage Division, be received for information, and


That staff bring a report to a future AAC meeting to allow for a further discussion on Public Art partnership opportunities.




Accessibility and Communication Specialist

Report AAC17-042

City Branding Initiative


Sharron Hayton, Customer Service Coordinator, provided an overview of Report AAC17-042.


Moved by Amanda Motyer


That the Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) approve the recommendation outlined in Report AAC17-042 dated June 7, 2017, of the Accessibility and Communication Specialist as follows:

That the presentation by the Customer Service Coordinator on the City of Peterborough’s branding initiative be received for information.





Accessibility Compliance Coordinator

Report AAC17-044

Sherbrooke Street Sidewalk Conflicts


Moved by Andrea Walsh


That the Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) approve the recommendations outlined in Report AAC17-044 dated June 7, 2017, of the Accessibility Compliance Coordinator as follows:

a)            That the presentation by the Accessibility Compliance Coordinator be received for information; and,

b)           That the AAC provide feedback to the Accessibility Compliance Coordinator on a potential solution to address the conflicts.




Accessibility and Communication Specialist

Report AAC17-045

2017 to 2025 Accessibility Plan


Report AAC17-045 was deferred to the September Committee meeting.



Amanda Motyer left the meeting at 5:56 p.m.


Accessibility and Communication Specialist

Report AAC17-039

Transportation Sub-Committee Report


Moved by Ben McColl


That the Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) approve the recommendation outlined in Report AAC17-039 dated June 7, 2017 of the Accessibility and Communication Specialist as follows:


That the verbal update by the Chair of the Transportation Sub-Committee be received for information.





Accessibility and Communication Specialist

Report AAC17-040

Built Environment Sub-Committee Report


Moved by Don Parnell


That the Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) approve the recommendation outlined in Report AAC17-040 dated June 7, 2017 of the Accessibility and Communication Specialist as follows:

That the verbal update by the Chair of the Built Environment Sub-Committee be received for information.





Other Business


There were no items of Other Business.


Next Meeting


The Chair indicated that the next Committee meeting will be held on September 6, 2017.





Moved by Ben McColl


That this meeting of the Accessibility Advisory Committee adjourn at 5:58 p.m.





Kendra Sedgwick

Committee Coordinator



Councillor Riel
