City Council Meeting Agenda

Electronic Meeting

In order to speak as a registered delegation at a Council meeting, individuals must register as a delegation no later than 11:00 a.m. on the day of the meeting.  To register, complete the online application at www.peterborough/delegations, or phone 705-742-7777 ext. 1820.

9.a.1, 9.a.2, 9.a.3, 9.a.4
9.b.1, 9.b.2, 9.b.3, 9.b.4, 9.b.5, 9.b.6, 9.b.7, 9.b.8, 9.b.9
9.c.1, 9.c.2, 9.c.3, 9.c.4, 9.c.5, 9.c.6, 9.c.7

  • That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report CLSFS22-008 dated March 7, 2022, of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services as follows:

    a) That the Acknowledgement Letter Audit of the Consolidated Financial Statements of the City of Peterborough be received; and

    b) That the Mayor and Chair of the Finance Committee be authorized to sign the Acknowledgment Letter.

  • That Council approve the recommendation outlined in report CLSFS22-010 dated March 7, 2022, of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services as follows:

    That the Verbal Audit Findings Report presented by Baker Tilly KDN Kawarthas LLP for the year ended December 31, 2020 be received as information.

  • That Council approve the recommendations outlined in report CLSFS22-014 dated March 7, 2022, of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services as follows:

    a) That the 2021 Audit Plan for the Corporation of the City of Peterborough, attached to Report CLSFS22-014 as Appendix A, be received.

    b) That the Mayor and Chair of the Finance Committee be authorized to sign the Audit Planning Report, attached to Report CLSFS22-014 as Appendix B.

  • That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report CLSFS22-009 dated March 7, 2022, of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services as follows:

    a) That Report CLSFS22-009, Treasurer’s Report, 2020 Consolidated Financial Report, the 2020 Trust Funds Financial Statement and Five-Year Review be received as information; and

    b) That the underlying accounting policies as detailed in the Notes to the Financial Statements be approved; and

    c) That the Treasurer’s Report, 2020 Consolidated Financial Report and 2020 Trust Funds Financial Statement as received, be submitted to the Province of Ontario.

  • That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report IPSPL22-001, dated March 7, 200, of the Interim Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services and the City Solicitor, as follows:

    That staff be authorized to proceed as outlined in Closed Session Report IPSPL22-001 dated March 7, 2022 of the Interim Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services and the City Solicitor.

  • That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CLSFS22-006, dated March 7, 2022, of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services, as follows:

    That the 2021 Remuneration and Expense Statements for Council Members and Council appointees to boards and commissions, outlined in report CLSFS22-006, dated March 7, 2022 of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services, be received for information.

  • That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CLSCLK22-006 dated March 7, 2022, of the City Clerk, on behalf of the Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development Board, as follows:

    That Matt Strano be appointed as a City representative on the Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development Board, for a three-year term commencing April 28, 2022.

  • That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report CSD22-002 dated March 7, 2022 of the Commissioner of Community Services, as follows:

    a) That the recommendations of the 2022 Community Project Grants Committee in the total amount of $15,525 be allocated to various community groups as described in Appendix A;

    b) That the recommendations of the Community Investment Grant Advisory Committee in the total amount of $196,980 to be allocated to various local charitable and Not-For-Profit organizations (NFP’s) as described in Appendix B;

    c) That the remaining surplus Community Grant funds be used for emerging 2022 community requests, and be brought back to the Community Investment Grant Advisory Committee for review and subsequent approval by Council at a later date; and

    d) That any unused Community Grant funds at the end of the year be carried over to 2023 and used for the 2023 Community Investment Grant budget.

  • That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CSACH22-005, dated March 7, 2022 of the Commissioner of Community Services as follows:

    That the Department Head (CAO or Commissioner) of the department applying for the student or intern, be delegated the authority to sign short term student grant applications, contract and funding agreements.

  • That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report CSACH22-007, dated March 7, 2022 of the Commissioner of Community Services as follows:

    a) That the recommendation of the Arts, Culture and Heritage Advisory Committee (ACHAC) to have the City of Peterborough’s Poet Laureate Program become a permanent program administered by the Electric City Culture Council (EC3) in consultation with the Manager of Arts, Culture and Heritage and funded through the Arts, Culture and Heritage budget, in the amount of $2,000 be approved;

    b) That an annual report of the program be presented to the Arts, Culture and Heritage Committee; and

    c) That the Poet be formally introduced to Council through attendance at a Council meeting during their term of appointment.

  • That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CSD22-004 dated March 7, 2022, of the Commissioner of Community Services, as follows:

    That the verbal update given by Sheldon Laidman, Commissioner of Community Services be received for information.

  • That staff be directed to return to Council in the spring of 2022 with a report on the Traill College Amphitheatre Project including funding options, budget implications, indication of confirmed  provincial, federal and private funds received, confirmed community partners, and other benefits for the City to consider contributing to the project.

  • That staff be directed to assist community partners in efforts being made around the Ukrainian humanitarian crisis.  

  • That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CSACH22-001 dated March 14, 2022, of the Commissioner of Community Services as follows:

    That Paragraph 1 d.) of By-law 10-125 designating 788 Aylmer Street North under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act (OHA) be amended to clarify and correct some statements and heritage attributes of the property; and capture the change in legal title for the property as the result of a severance.

  • That Council approves the recommendations outlined in Report IPSTR22-001, dated March 14, 2022, of the Commissioner, Infrastructure and Planning Services as follows:

    a) That the presentation by IBI Group on the Cycling Master Plan be received;

    b) That the Cycling Master Plan be approved in principle; and

    c) Whereas the Cycling Network Maps included in Appendix A to Report IPSTR22-001 contained an error, recommendation c) be amended to read “That Schedule E of the new Official Plan be replaced with the corrected Ultimate Cycling Network Map, and that the maps in Appendix A of IPSTR22-001 be replaced with the corrected maps".


Amended Recommendation:

  • That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report IPSTR22-002, dated March 14, 2022, of the Interim Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services as follows:

    a) That the presentation by Paradigm Transportation Limited on the Eastside Transportation Study be received;

    At the meeting of March 14, 2022, Committee amended item b) as follows:

    b) That the recommendations of the Eastside Transportation Study be approved in principle; subject to the deletion of the Sherbrooke Street to Maria Street connection and corridor protection;

    c) That the Eastside Transportation Study project team finalize the master plan process and publish the final report for public review;

    d) That the Eastside Transportation Study team continue with the Ashburnham Drive Realignment Class Environmental Assessment and report back to Council to seek approval to file the Environmental Assessment Report; and

    e) That Council request that the Ontario Ministry of Transportation undertake the necessary analysis to determine the need to continue to protect for an East Side by-pass of the City of Peterborough and, if the need is confirmed, to review the designated route and update the route planning study as appropriate, and further, that this resolution be sent to Peterborough County and the local municipalities.

Amended Recommendation:

  • That Council approves the recommendations outlined in Report IPSTR22-003, dated March 14, 2022, of the Interim Commissioner, Infrastructure and Planning Services as follows:

    a)That the presentation by WSP Canada Group on the Transportation Master Plan be received;

  • b)That the recommended Transportation Infrastructure projects summarized in Appendix A, be approved in principle;

  • c)That the supportive Transportation Policy recommendations summarized on pages 13 to 16 of this report, and in Appendix C, be approved in principle;

  • d)That the Transportation Master Plan project team finalize the Transportation Master Plan Final Report and publish for public review;

  • f)That a project budget of $600,000 be created for the completion of a Municipal Class EA Study for operational and safety improvements in Special Study Area A (Clonsilla Avenue / Sherbrooke Street / Goodfellow Road area), using pre-approved funding transferred from the uncommitted balance of the Future High Use Arterial Road project.

  • That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CAO22-004 dated March 14, 2022 of the Chief Administrative Officer, as follows:

    That the City’s Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services (Commissioner) each be authorized to do such things considered by them to be necessary to implement Council’s approvals in relation to Cleantech Commons as more particularly set out in Report PLPD18-004 dated February 26, 2018 of the Director, Planning and Development Services (Council’s Approvals), provided that:

    a) each such thing is, in the opinion of the CAO and the Commissioner, consistent with Council’s Approvals;

    b) each such thing is done within budgets approved by Council;

    c) subject to paragraph d, all documents are on terms acceptable to the CAO and the Commissioner, in forms acceptable to the City Solicitor and, as applicable, may be executed by the CAO or the Commissioner; and

    d) all subleases are on terms acceptable to the CAO and the Commissioner, are in forms acceptable to the City Solicitor and may be executed by the Mayor and the City Clerk.

  • That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report CLSFS22-013 dated March 14, 2022, of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services, as follows:

    a) That the necessary borrowing by-laws be approved to borrow funds up to a maximum of $24,885,200 to finance City capital projects, and for terms not to exceed the terms indicated on Appendix A, attached to Report CLSFS22-013;

    b) That the Treasurer be authorized to apply to Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation to borrow these funds; and

    c) That a by-law be passed to authorize the 2017 portion of the Cleantech Commons project (formerly the Trent Research and Innovation Park project) at an estimated cost of $1,500,000 and the issuing of lease-supported debentures to a maximum of $1,500,000 to finance the work.

  • That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report CSACH22-002 dated March 14, 2022, of the Commissioner of Community Services, as follows:

    a) That the recommendation of the Peterborough Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee (PACAC) to designate the property known municipally as 214 Aberdeen Avenue under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act (R.S.O. 1990, c.O.18) as a property being of “cultural heritage value or interest” be approved;

    b) That Council’s intention to designate be advertised in a newspaper having general circulation in the municipality as per the Ontario Heritage Act R.S.O. 1990, c.O.18, s.31 (3); and

    c) That the owners of the properties to be designated, and the Ontario Heritage Trust, be served with a Notice of Intention to Designate as per the Ontario Heritage Act R.S.O. 1990, c.O.18, s.29 (3).



Being a By-law to amend By-law 10-125 being a By-law to designate 788 Aylmer Street in the City of Peterborough pursuant to the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.18.


Being a By-law to authorize the 2017 portion of the Cleantech Commons project (Formally Trent Research and Innovation project) at an estimated cost of $1,500,000 and the issuing of lease-supported debentures to a maximum of $1,500,000 to finance the work


Being a by-law to approve the submission of an application to Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (“OILC”) for the long-term financing of certain capital work(s) of The Corporation of the City of Peterborough (the “Municipality”); and to authorize the entering into of a rate offer letter agreement pursuant to which the Municipality will issue debentures to OILC


Being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council at its regular meeting held on March 28, 2022