Accessibility  Advisory Committee

City of Peterborough

February 12, 2014



Minutes of a Meeting of the Accessibility Advisory Committee Held on February 12, 2014 in the Sutherland Room.


The meeting of the Accessibility Advisory Committee was called to order at 4:01 p.m. by Councillor Riel, Chair in the Sutherland Room, City Hall.



Janet Ali

Andrea Dodsworth

Councillor Riel, Chair

Peter Michielsen

Ian Guest

Gordon Earle



Bob Geddes

Marie Bongard

Eric Lodgins



Phyllis Hodder, Accessibility Coordinator

Mark Buffone, Accessibility Compliance Co-ordinator

Kendra Sedgwick, Committee Coordinator



Minutes – January 8, 2014


Moved by Peter Michielsen


That the minutes of the Accessibility Advisory Committee held on January 8, 2014 be approved.





Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest


There were no disclosures of Pecuniary Interest.



Manager of Housing

Report AAC14-005

10-Year Housing and Homelessness Plan 2014-2024


Susan Bacque, Manager of Housing, City of Peterborough provided a PowerPoint presentation on the 10-Year Housing and Homelessness Plan.


Moved by Andrea Dodsworth


That the Accessibility Advisory Committee approve the recommendation outlined in Report AAC14-005, dated February 12, 2014, of the Manager of Housing as follows:


That the presentation by Susan Bacque, Manager of Housing with respect to the 10-Year Housing and Homelessness Plan be received for information.





Accessibility Coordinator

Report AAC14-008

Proposed Active Transportation By-law Recommendations


Moved by Peter Michielsen


That the Accessibility Advisory Committee approve the recommendations outlined in Report AAC14-008, dated February 12, 2014, of the Accessibility Coordinator as follows:


a)            That Report AAC14-008 with respect to the proposed Active Transportation By-law is received for information, and


b)           That the Committee provide comments and recommendations regarding the proposed Active Transportation By-law.





Moved by Gordon Earle


That the Accessibility Advisory Committee submit the following recommendations with respect to the proposed Active Transportation By-law to the Transportation Demand Management Planner for consideration:


a)            Public Education for both cyclists and pedestrians is paramount.


b)           That the City of Peterborough continue to encourage the installation of bike lanes.


c)            That City Council continue to encourage developers to install sidewalks (or shared pathways) on both sides of the streets.


d)           Pedestrians always have the right-of-way.


e)            Only bicycles with less than 50 centimeter (20 inch) wheel diameter be permitted to use sidewalks (except in downtown core).


f)             Bicycles of all sizes should be allowed to use sidewalks on arterial roads where there are no bike lanes present.


g)           E-bikes should not be permitted on sidewalks.


h)           Roller-blading, skate boarding and long boarding should not be permitted on sidewalks.


And that the above list of recommendations is not exclusive of the comments submitted by the AAC Transportation and Built Environment sub-committees.





Accessibility Coordinator

Report AAC14-009

AAC Information Brochure


Moved by Janet Ali


That Report AAC14-009 be deferred to the March 12, 2014 Committee meeting.





Accessibility Coordinator

Report AAC14-007

Built Environment Sub-Committee Report


Moved by Peter Michielsen


That the Accessibility Advisory Committee approve the recommendation outlined in Report AAC14-007, dated February 12, 2014, of the Accessibility Coordinator as follows:


That Report AAC14-007 with respect to the Built Environment Sub-Committee Report be received for information.





Accessibility Coordinator

Report AAC14-010

Transportation Sub-Committee Report


Moved by Andrea Dodsworth


That the Accessibility Advisory Committee approve the recommendation outlined in Report AAC14-010, dated February 12, 2014, of the Accessibility Coordinator as follows:


That Report AAC14-010 with respect to the Transportation Sub-Committee Report be received for information.




Other Business


There were no items of Other Business.


Next Meeting


The Chair indicated that the next Committee meeting will be held on March 5, 2014.




Moved by Janet Ali


That this meeting of the Accessibility Advisory Committee adjourn at 6:09 p.m.





Kendra Sedgwick,

Committee Coordinator



Councillor Riel, Chair

No Item Selected