Peterborough Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee Minutes

City of Peterborough

February 6, 2014







Minutes of a Meeting of the Peterborough Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee Held on February 6, 2014 in the Sutherland Room, City Hall.


The meeting of the Peterborough Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Stewart Hamilton, Chair in the Sutherland Room, City Hall.



Councillor Pappas

Stewart Hamilton, Chair

Martin Parker

Kaes Vanderkooy

Ivan Bateman

Catherine Dibben



Kathryn McLeod

Paul Lumsden

Bronson Smith



Erik Hanson, Heritage Resources Coordinator

Kendra Sedgwick, Committee Coordinator



Minutes – January 15, 2014


Moved by Kaes Vanderkooy


That the minutes of the Peterborough Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee meeting held on January 15, 2014 be approved.





Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest


There were no disclosures of Pecuniary Interest.



Heritage Resources Coordinator

Report PACAC14-006

Heritage Preservation Office Report


Moved by Martin Parker


That the Peterborough Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee approve the recommendation outlined in Report PACAC14-006, dated February 6, 2014 of the Heritage Resources Coordinator, as follows:


That the report with respect to the monthly activities of the Heritage Preservation Office for January 2014 be received for information.





Heritage Resources Coordinator

Report ACHAC14-007

PACAC Strategic Plan Review


Moved by Councillor Pappas


That the Peterborough Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee approve the recommendation outlined in Report PACAC14-007, dated February 6, 2014 of the Heritage Resources Coordinator, as follows:


That the PACAC review the Committee’s existing strategic plan and provide feedback.


At it’s meeting of February 6, 2014, the Committee added the following:


That a future PACAC meeting be dedicated to the full review of PACAC’s existing strategic plan.




Heritage Resources Coordinator

Report PACAC14-008

Martha Kidd Commemoration


Moved by Martin Parker


That the Peterborough Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee approve the recommendations outlined in Report PACAC14-008, dated February 6, 2014 of the Heritage Resources Coordinator, as follows:


a)            That the PACAC appoint four of its members to act as an ad-hoc committee overseeing the publication of a book relating to the heritage of Peterborough, and;


b)           That the ad-hoc committee be empowered to recruit members of the community as they see fit to sit on the committee, to a maximum of nine members.





Moved by Martin Parker


That Ivan Bateman, Martin Parker and Kathryn McLeod be appointed to represent PACAC on the ad-hoc committee overseeing the publication of a book relating to the heritage of Peterborough.





Other Business


Peterborough Historical Society Annual Heritage Awards


Moved by Councillor Pappas


That PACAC nominate the Hunter Street Bridge for the Peterborough Historical Society George Cox Award.






The PACAC mugs sold out before Christmas.  Approximately $2 is profited from the sale of each mug; a gross consists of 144 mugs.


Moved by Kaes Vanderkooy


That PACAC endorse the purchase of a gross of PACAC mugs.





Next Meeting The Chair indicated that the next meeting of the Committee is scheduled for March 6, 2014.




Moved by Councillor Pappas


That this meeting of the Peterborough Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee adjourn at 8:04 p.m.





Kendra Sedgwick

Committee Coordinator



Stewart Hamilton


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