City Council Meeting Agenda

Council Chambers, City Hall
500 George Street North

To speak as a registered delegation, individuals must register no later than 11:00 a.m. on the day of the meeting.  To register, complete the online application at, or phone 705-742-7777 ext. 1820.

10.a.1, 10.a.2, 10.a.3, 10.a.4, 10.a.5, 10.a.6, 10.a.7, 10.a.8, 10.a9, 10.a.10, 10.b.1, 10.b.2, 10.b.3, 10.b.4, 10.b.5, 10.b.6, 10.b.7, 10.b.8, 10.b.9, 10.b.10, 10.b.11

  • That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CSSS23-010, dated March 6, 2023, of the Commissioner of Community Services as follows:

    That staff be authorized to proceed as outlined in Closed Session Report CSSS23-010 dated March 6, 2023 of the Commissioner of Community Services.

  • That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CLSFSS23-023, dated March 6, 2023 of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services and the Commissioner of Community Services as follows:

    That staff be authorized to proceed as outlined in Closed Session Report CLSFS23-023 dated March 6, 2023 of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services and the Commissioner of Community Services.

  • That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report IPSPL23-009, dated March 6, 2023 of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services as follows:

    a) That Section 3.9 Exceptions, of the Zoning By-law 97-123, be amended by adding exception number .354 in accordance with Exhibit C of Report IPSPL23-009; and

    b) That the subject property be re-zoned from M2.1 - Prestige Industrial District to M2.3-354 Prestige and Service Industrial and OS.1 Open Space District in accordance with Exhibit C of Report IPSPL23-009.

  • That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CLSCLK23-004 dated March 6, 2023, of the City Clerk, as follows:

    That the presentation regarding Physician Recruitment, be received for information.

  • That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CLSCLK23-007, dated March 6, 2023 of the City Clerk as follows:

    That the presentation from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be received for information.

  • That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CLSHR23-003 dated March 6, 2023 of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services as follows:

    That the COVID-19 Workplace Vaccination Policy as attached in Appendix A to Report CLSHR23-003 dated March 6, 2023, be rescinded.

  • That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report CLSFS23-021, dated March 6, 2023 of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services as follows:

    a)That the necessary borrowing by-laws be approved to borrow funds up to a maximum of $29,612,189 to finance City capital projects, and for terms not to exceed the terms indicated on Appendix A, attached to Report CLSFS23-021; and

    b)That the Treasurer be authorized to apply to Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation to borrow these funds.

  • That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CLSCLK23-005 dated March 6, 2023, of the City Clerk, on behalf of the Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development Board, as follows:

    That Paul Hickey be appointed as a City representative on the Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development Board, for a three-year term commencing April 20, 2023.

  • Whereas, Bill 5, Stopping Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders Act, 2022, proposes important measures to prevent and address harassment and abuse by local leaders in the workplace, including creating a process for removing leaders from office in cases of egregious acts;

    Whereas, the proposed legislation would help protect individuals and promote accountability among local leaders, and provide a clear framework for addressing instances of harassment and abuse;

    Whereas, the City of Peterborough recognizes the importance of taking proactive steps to prevent and address harassment and abuse in the workplace;

    Therefore, be it resolved that The City of Peterborough supports Bill 5, Stopping Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders Act, 2022, and urges the provincial government to prioritize its passage into law;

    Be it further resolved that a letter of support endorsing Bill 5 be sent to the following officials and organizations:

    MPP Dave Smith, MPP Stephen Blais, The Premier of Ontario, The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and The Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO)

    And that the letter expresses the City of Peterborough's strong support for Bill 5 and the importance of taking concrete action to prevent and address harassment and abuse by local leaders. It should also urge the officials and organizations to prioritize the passage of this important legislation into law, and highlight the need for strong measures to protect individuals and ensure accountability among local leaders in the workplace.

  • That the board of the Peterborough Community Health Centre speak to City Council in April about pursuing the establishment of a Community Health Centre in Peterborough.

  • That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CLSRS23-006 dated March 13, 2023 of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services as follows:

    That, respecting the property known municipally as 280 Jameson Drive, staff be authorized to proceed as outlined in Closed Session Report CLSRS23-006 dated March 13, 2023 of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services.

  • That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CLSHR23-002, dated March 13, 2023 of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services as follows:

    That Council direct staff to proceed as recommended in Closed Session Report CLSHR23-002 dated March 13, 2023, as amended, of the Corporate and Legislative Services Commissioner respecting the collective bargaining process.

  • That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CLSFS23-020, dated March 13, 2023 of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services as follows:

    That the 2022 Remuneration and Expense Statements for Council Members and Council appointees to boards and commissions, outlined in Report CLSFS23-020, dated March 13, 2023 of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services, be received for information.

  • That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report CLSFM23-010 dated March 13, 2023 of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services, as follows:

    a) That as a result of the recent Building Condition Audit and Structural review, a capital sub project be created within the Corporate and Legislative Services – Facilities Management – Community Services Capital Project (Project 3-1.02) for Del Crary Park Marina Deck Repairs at Del Crary Park Marina in the amount of $150,000; and

    b) That, the $150,000 capital budget for the Del Crary Park Marina Deck Repairs project be transferred from the 2023 Capital Budget project Corporate and Legislative Services – Facilities Management – Community Services – Healthy Planet Arena – Replace Refrigeration Plant, (2) Ice Pads, Dasher Boards and Lighting Replacement.

  • That Council, as set out in Chart 2, Section a), iv) of Appendix A of the City’s Procurement By-law 22-070, approve the recommendation outlined in this Report CLSFPI23-002, dated March 13, 2023 of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services as follows:

    That the construction of Heritage Park be awarded to A.B.C Recreation Ltd., PO Box 397, Paris, Ontario, N3L 3T5, at a cost of $324,557.41 plus HST of $42,192.46 for a total cost of $366,749.87.

Amended Recommendation:

  • That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report IPSBD23-001, dated March 13, 2023 of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services as follows:

    a) That the presentation regarding the Enforcement Services Review Project from Maclaren Municipal Consulting Inc. be received;

    b) That the eight Short Term Objectives outlined in Report IPSBD23-001 be approved and that staff be directed to proceed with implementation of these eight Short Term Objectives; and

    c) That the remaining Medium and Long Term Objectives outlined in Report IPBD23-001 be approved as a roadmap for the evolution of a new Municipal Law Enforcement Division.

    d) That staff provide a report respecting a potential Light Pollution By-law.

  • That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CSD23-005, dated March 13, 2023 of the Commissioner of Community Services as follows:

    a) That the report and presentation be received for information; and,

    Committee at its meeting of March 13, 2023, added the following items:

    b) The City of Peterborough, throughout the calendar year, enhance its proactive and proud commitment to our cultural communities in the following ways:

    i) Produce City-organized programming and exhibits and support specific community partners at their respective initiatives and events to increase awareness and understanding of equity-deserving groups in the City of Peterborough;

    ii) Communicate specific Days (Weeks and/or Months) of Significance to equity-deserving groups in meaningful ways, i.e. portraits, visuals and/or brief reflections via the City of Peterborough website and social media channels;

    c) That staff be directed to provide a report to Council on the resources necessary to appropriately implement the items in b)i) and b)ii).

  • That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report CLSCLK23-006, dated March 13, 2023 of the City Clerk as follows:

    a) That, at the request of the Peterborough Police Services Board, Council approve the transfer of the administration of the licensing of Transportation Network Companies, Taxis and Limousines from Peterborough Police Services to the Clerk’s Office.

    b) That staff be directed to provide a subsequent report to Council with recommendations to implement the licensing program, including the appropriate by-laws and the timing of the transfer of responsibilities.


  • That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report IPSPL23-005, dated March 13, 2023 of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services as follows:

    That the By-law to amend the City’s 2023 User Fees By-law Number 23-028 attached as Appendix A to Report IPSPL23-005 be approved.

  • That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report CSD23-004 dated March 13, 2023 of the Commissioner of Community Services, as follows:

    a) That the recommendations of the 2022 Community Project Grants Committee in the total amount of $20,655 be allocated to various community groups as described in Appendix A; and

    b) That the recommendations of the Community Investment Grant Advisory Committee in the total amount of $148,828 be allocated to various local charitable and Not-For-Profit organizations (NFP’s) as described in Appendix B.

  • Whereas, the Ontario Small Urban Municipalities or OSUM is the small urban municipal voice of the Province and an integral part of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and;.

    Whereas, the purpose of OSUM is to provide a forum for both elected and appointed municipal officials of small urban municipalities to exchange and receive information, to consider matters of common interest, and to take united action on issues of mutual interest to improve local government service in Ontario.

    Be it resolved, that Council for the Corporation of the City of Peterborough support the nomination of Councillor Joy Lachica for consideration as a member of the OSUM Executive Committee.

Whereas the Ontario Arts Council (OAC) is the province’s largest public granting agency and;

Whereas, the Ontario Government is proposing a cut of 15% to the OAC’s annual budget and;

Whereas, many organizations and individual artists in Peterborough and Peterborough County receive funding from the OAC and;

Whereas, Council received correspondence from the Electric City Culture Council (EC3) requesting support for the advocacy efforts of EC3 and other provincial arts service organizations to maintain the OAC’s funding level and;

Whereas, maintaining the OAC’s funding level could help the arts, culture, and tourism sector work towards financial viability as it recovers from the lingering economic aftershocks of the pandemic and;

Whereas, the Arts and Culture Advisory Committee passed a motion at its meeting of March 9, 2023 to recommend that Council send a letter to the province in support of the EC3’s advocacy efforts regarding the proposed cuts to the OAC budget;

Now therefore be it resolved, that Council direct the Clerk’s Office to send a letter on behalf of the Corporation of the City of Peterborough, addressed to MPP Smith; the Minister of Finance; the Minister of Tourism, Culture, and Sport; and Premier Ford, supporting the request from the EC3 to provide stable funding to the OAC by maintaining their existing funding level.





Being a By-law to repeal By-law 21-006 and authorize the 2021 portion of the Bethune Street Diversion City Funded project at an estimated cost of $1,900,000 and the issuing of and tax supported debentures to a maximum of $1,900,000 to finance the work and to authorize the 2021 portion of the Bethune Street Diversion Shared Funding project at an estimated cost of $3,615,600 and the issuing of tax supported debentures to a maximum of $2,079,500 to finance the work



Being a By-law to repeal By-law 21-030, being a by-law to debenture the 2021 Parkland Development Assistance Program



Being a By-law to approve the submission of an application to Ontario Infrastructure and Lands Corporation (“OILC”) for the long-term financing of certain capital work(s) of the Corporation of the City of Peterborough (The “Municipality”); and to authorize the entering into of a rate offer letter agreement pursuant to which the municipality will issue debentures to OILC



Being a By-law to amend the Zoning By-law for the lands known as 2000 Technology Drive



Being a By-law to amend User Fees By-law Number 23-028 to update planning application fees

23-047 Being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council at its meeting held on March 27, 2023