City Council Meeting Agenda

Electronic Meeting

In order to speak as a registered delegation at a Council meeting, individuals must register as a delegation no later than 11:00 a.m. on the day of the meeting.  To register, complete the online application at www.peterborough/delegations, or phone 705-742-7777 ext. 1820.

10.a, 10.b, 10.c, 10.d, 10.e, 10.f, 10.g, 10.h, 10.i, 10.j, 10.k 
11.a, 11.b, 11.c, 11.d, 11.e,
12.a, 12.b, 12.c, 12.d, 12.e, 12.f, 12.g, 12.h, 12.i, 12.j, 12.k, 12.l, 12.m,
13.a, 13.b, 13.c, 13.d, 13.e, 13.f, 13.g, 13.h, 13.i, 13.j, 13.k, 13.l, 13.m, 13.n

2021 Preliminary Budget Guideline Report 
Report CLSFS20-030B

That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CLSFS20-030B dated June 24, 2020, of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services, as follows:

That the presentation and public delegations on the 2021 Budget Guidelines, be received for information.

That Council approve the recommendation, outlined in Report IPSRE20-005 dated July 6, 2020 of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services, as follows:

That, respecting the property known municipally as 1820 Fisher Drive, staff be authorized to proceed as outlined in Report IPSRE20-005 dated July 6, 2020 of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services.

John Howard Society - 303 Stewart Street
Report IPSPL20-009

That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report IPSPL20-009 dated July 6, 2020, of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services, as follows:

a) That Section 3.9 Exceptions of Zoning By-law 97-123 be amended by adding exception No. 332 in accordance with Exhibit C of Report IPSPD20-009; and

b) That the subject property be rezoned from C.5 – Commercial District to C.5-332 – Commercial District in accordance with Exhibit C of Report IPSPD20-009.

Report IPSPL20-005

That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report IPSPL20-005 dated July 6, 2020, of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services, as follows:

a) That Schedule ‘A’ – Land Use of the Official Plan, as it relates to the properties known as 1176 and 1182 Armour Road, be amended from Commercial to Residential in accordance with the draft amendment, attached as Exhibit D to Report IPSPL20-005;

b) That Schedule ‘E’ – Residential Density of the Official Plan, as it relates to the properties known as 1176 and 1182 Armour Road, be amended to High Density Residential in accordance with the draft amendment, attached as Exhibit D to Report IPSPL20-005;

c) That Schedule ‘I’ – Commercial Area of the Official Plan, as it relates to the properties known as 1176 and 1182 Armour Road, be amended to delete the Neighbourhood Centre designation from the lands in accordance with the draft amendment, attached as Exhibit D to Report IPSPL20-005;

d) That Schedule ‘N’ – Auburn North Secondary Plan of the Official Plan, as it relates to the properties known as 1176 and 1182 Armour Road, be amended from Neighbourhood Commercial to High Density Residential in accordance with the draft amendment, attached as Exhibit D to Report IPSPL20-005;

e) That a Site Specific policy be added to Section 10.4 of the Official Plan to permit the redevelopment to proceed with an alternative approach to deal with stormwater outletting to Thompson Creek and the Otonabee River, in accordance with the draft amendment, attached as Exhibit D to Report IPSPL20-005;

f) That the Zoning By-law be amended to add Exception 330 to Section 3.9, to prescribe site specific regulations in accordance with the draft amendment attached as Exhibit ‘E’ to Report IPSPL20-005; and

g) That the subject properties be rezoned from the SP.245 – Special Commercial District to the R.5-330 - Residential District and from SP.245 – Special Commercial District to OS.1 – Open Space District in accordance with Exhibit E attached to Report IPSPL20-005.

Report CLSFS20-035

That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CLSFS20-035 dated July 6, 2020, of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services, as follows:

That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an Agreement with the Township of Selwyn and the Peterborough Police Services Board, for the City to provide Contract Police Services to the Lakefield Ward within the Township for a five year period January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2025 in a form acceptable to the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services and the City Solicitor and substantially in the form attached as Appendix A to Report CLSFS20-035.

Report CLSFM20-001

That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CLSFM20-001 dated July 6, 2020, of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services, as follows:

That the roof replacement at the Peterborough Museum and Archives Curatorial Building was appointed to Trinity Roofing Ltd., 158 Rossdean Drive, Toronto, Ontario, M9L 2S1 under the emergency procurement provisions of Part 8 of By-law 18-084, at a cost of $190,250 plus HST of $24,733 for a total cost of $214,983, be received for information.

Report CSSS20-008

That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CSSS20-008, dated July 6, 2020, of the Commissioner of Community Services, as follows:

That the reviewed and updated 10-year Housing and Homelessness Plan (the Plan), attached as Appendix A, be approved.

Report IPSENG20-025

That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report IPSENG20-025, dated July 6, 2020, of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services as follows:

That the agreement with D.M. Wills Associates Limited, 150 Jameson Drive, Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 0B9 for the Engineering Design and Contract Administration for the reconstruction of Parkhill Road West from the West City Limit to Wallis Drive be increased by $180,288.00, plus HST of $23,437.44, for a total increase of $203,725.44 from $1,558,855.34 to $1,762,580.78.

Report IPSIM20-004

Amended Recommendation:

That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report IPSIM20-004, dated July 6, 2020, of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services, as follows:

a) That Council endorse the following Guiding Principles for developing a regulatory framework to protect and enhance the tree canopy of the City’s urban forest;

i) Pruning should not be part of a regulatory framework;

ii) Prequalification of tree care professionals is part of the regulatory framework;

iii) Permits are part of a regulatory framework;

iv) Incentives are part of a regulatory framework;

v) Penalties should be considered in developing the regulatory framework;

vi) A balanced approach to any requirement for replanting trees to replace removal of healthy trees should be considered in developing the regulatory framework;

vii) Education is a key element of the regulatory framework; and

viii) Costs associated with administering and enforcing a Tree Conservation By-law should be covered by fees and tax supported programs.

At the meeting of July 6, 2020, Committee amended item b) and added item c) as follows:

b) That the current Tree By-law 19-042 continue in place until the Spring of 2021 pending the results of studies scheduled for Fall 2020 to inform an updated regularly framework.

c) That the Peterborough Environmental Advisory Committee review the updated regulatory framework before coming forward to General Committee for consideration.

Report IPSES20-018

That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report IPSES20-018, dated July 6, 2020, of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services as follows:

That report IPSES20-018 be received for information.

That staff review the Emergency Management Bylaw (2018-111) and report back to Council in the second quarter of 2021.

That staff provide a letter to the Peterborough Police Services Board requesting the following information on the newly acquired light armoured vehicle: 

i) The identity of the donor

ii) The maintenance costs of the vehicle; and

iii) Vehicle replacement cost.

Report CLSFS20-031

That Council approve the recommendations outlined in report CLSFS20-031 dated July 13, 2020 of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services as follows:

a) That tax reductions in the amount of $113,082.55 calculated in accordance with Sections 357, 358 and 359 of the Municipal Act, 2001 and attached to report CLSFS20-031 as Appendix A be received.

b) That land apportionments under Section 356 of the Municipal Act, 2001 be received.

Report CLSFS20-028

Amended Recommendation: 

That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report CLSFS20-028, dated July 13, 2020, of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services, as follows:

That staff be directed to prepare the Draft 2021 Operating and Capital Budgets that: 

a) Is reflective of the comments made at the Finance Committee at its meeting of July 13, 2020 respecting the tax-payers ability to pay an additional 3%

i) That the detailed draft Budget include a list of all services the City provides and whether these services are mandatory or non-mandated services, and

ii) That staff be directed to search for all potential cost savings.

b) That the revised Tax Ratio Reduction Program continues for the 2021 Budget for the final year, and reflects reductions:

i) to the Industrial Class Tax Ratios but not the Multi-residential Class, and

ii) at the reduced rate established through the 2016 Budget process;

c) That the increase in the Police Services portion of the draft 2021 Operating Budget reflect no more than the estimated Operating portion of Net Tax Levy increase (estimated to be 2.18%), and any increase in the net Police Services budget beyond the estimated Operating Portion of the Net Tax Levy increase be addressed by Council as part of the detailed 2021 Budget deliberations to occur in November of 2020.

d) That in response to Federal or Provincial announcements such as stimulus Funding becoming available as part of the COVID-19 pandemic recovery plan, staff be directed to provide a further Report at a later date in 2020 seeking up to an additional 0.5% All-Inclusive increase to provide the local funding share, if required.

e) That, similar to the COPHI dividend payment, the annual earnings from Investing the proceeds resulting from the sale of assets of PDI be directed towards enhancing Capital financing, and not be used for purposes of reduction in the net tax levy.


That staff report back on potential 2021 budget savings regarding:

a) The KPMG Social Services Division Review - efficiencies and savings

b) That the following agencies have a 0% increase - PKED, Peterborough Humane Society, DBIA, Peterborough Family Health Team, and Greater Peterborough Innovation Cluster

c) Community organizations and groups have a 0% increase

d) No capital funding for the Canoe Museum

e) No new staff positions unless they are self-liquidating

f) Potential savings from the transit budget.

That staff provide a report on potential revenue generation in the event user fees were increased 5-10%.

That staff provide a report on Zero-based budgeting processes for Council consideration in first quarter of 2021.

2531430 Ontario Limited
2159 Old Norwood Road
Report IPSPL20-011

That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report IPSPL20-011 dated July 13, 2020, of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services, as follows:

a) That By-law 19-037 be repealed in accordance with Exhibit A of Report IPSPL20-011; and

b) That a Temporary Use Zoning By-law Amendment be approved pursuant to Section 39 of the Planning Act to permit a portion of the property municipally known as 2159 Old Norwood Road to be developed with a new-home sales office and up to three model homes without municipal services for a period of up to three (3) years in accordance with Exhibit A of Report IPSPL20-011.

Durham Building Corp.
663, 689 and 739 Lily Lake Road
Report IPSPL20-012

That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report IPSPL20-012 dated July 13, 2020, of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services, as follows:

a) That Zoning By-law 97-123 be amended by adding Special District 367 (SP.367) in accordance with Exhibit A of Report IPSPL20-012.

b) That the subject property be rezoned from R.1,1r,2r,5o,10m,11j-315-'H', R.1,1m,2m,5e,10m,11j-315-'H', SP.366,3n,5o,11j-315-318-'H', SP.366,3n,5o,11j- 308-315-318-'H' and OS.2 to R.1,1r,2r,5o,8w,10m,11j-315-'H', R.1,1m,2m,5e, 10m,11j-315-'H', SP.365,5p,7h-'H', SP.366,3n,5o,11j-315-318-'H', SP.367-'H', SP.367-308-'H' and OS.2 in accordance with Exhibit A of Report IPSPL20-012.

c) That Council direct the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services to amend the plan and conditions of approval for Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision 15T-16501 in accordance with Report IPSPL20-012 upon receipt of confirmation from the City Clerk that the By-law associated with Recommendations a) and b) of Report IPSPL20-012 has come into effect.

Report IPSPL20-013

That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report IPSPL20-013 dated July 13, 2020, of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services, as follows:

a) That Section 3.9 be amended to add Exception .333, to recognize uses permitted via an amendment in 2016 and to add an ‘office’ as a permitted use with a maximum floor area of 350m2; and to permit a reduced landscaped strip of 4.0 m abutting a residential district and 0.8 m along any other lot line that are not street lines in accordance with Exhibit ‘C’ attached to Report IPSPL20-013;

b) That the zoning of the lands known as 850 Lansdowne St. W. be amended from SP.268 -244, 5h to SP.268-333, 5g - H in the City of Peterborough Zoning By-law #97-123 in accordance with Exhibit ‘C’ attached to Report IPSPL20-013; and

c) That the ‘H’ Holding Symbol be removed at such time as Site Plan Approval is granted for the redevelopment of the property, including provisions for the conveyance of a daylighting triangle at the intersection of Lansdowne St. W. and Wightman Ave.

Report CLSFS20-032

That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report CLSFS20-032 dated July 13, 2020, of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services, as follows:

a) That the March 31, 2020 Quarterly Financial Update Report (unaudited) attached as Appendix A to Report CLSFS20-032, dated July 13, 2020, be received;

b) That as a matter of housekeeping, $385,000 Federal Gas Tax (FGT) be reallocated to the 2019 Transit Bus Project (2019 Capital Budget Ref# 5-16-01) and corresponding amounts of Capital Levy be allocated to the Sherbrooke Street – Glenforest to West City Limits Project (2019 Capital Budget Ref # 5-8-06).

Report CSAD20-009

That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CSAD20-009 dated July 13, 2020 of the Commissioner of Community Services as follows:

That Report CSAD20-009 be received for information.

Report CLSFS20-037

That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report CLSFS20-037 dated July 13, 2020, of the Chief Administrative Officer and the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services, as follows:

a) That the COVID-19 Response and Financial Impact – Update for the City of Peterborough, outlined in Report CLSFS20-037, dated July 13, 2020 of the Chief Administrative Officer and Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services, be received for information;

b) That the 2020 annual loan payment from Peterborough Youth Soccer Club in the amount of $30,000 for their contribution to the sport field complex at Fleming College be deferred to 2021, and that the term of the loan repayment be extended by one additional year, to November 1, 2024;

c) That the 2020 monthly loan payments from the Peterborough Rugby Union Football Club in the amount of $2,942 for costs associated with the construction of the Rugby Clubhouse in Nicholls Oval Park be deferred to 2021, and that the term of the loan repayment be extended by one additional year, to March 31, 2024;

d) That the period the City accepts donations, issues income tax receipts to donors, and deposits all monies received in an interest-bearing account held by the City in support of the Peterborough Rugby Union Football Club’s fund-raising efforts to renovate their Clubhouse be extended by one year, up to November 30, 2021;

e) That the 2020 annual loan payment from the Kinsmen Minor Football League and the Peterborough Wolverines Football Club in the amount of $5,000 for their contribution toward the construction of the sport field complex located at Thomas A Stewart Secondary School be deferred to 2021, and that the term of the loan repayment be extended by one additional year, to November 1, 2023;

f) That the Chief Administrative Officer and City Clerk be authorized to sign any amending agreements required to facilitate recommendations b), c) and e) of this report, in a form satisfactory to the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services and City Solicitor;

g) That Council delegate the authority to the CAO and City Clerk to execute an agreement extending the terms of the exclusive supplier agreement with Coke and the sponsorship agreement with Molson, on such terms and conditions as the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services finds acceptable, provided the term of the contract extension does not exceed 24 months;

h) That the $25,000 budgeted for EC3 to operate Arts Week 2020 be redirected instead to EC3 to support COVID Recovery activities for the Arts, Culture and Heritage sector in the City as deemed appropriate by EC3;

i) That the 2020 User Fee By-law 20-002 be amended by adding the Form 6 schedule of User Fees and Charges for Alternative Summer Day Camps, as per Appendix E to Report CLSFS20-037;

j) That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to amend the Sports Equipment Shop lease agreement dated July 1, 2019, with Mr. Jeff Drimmie O/A Sharps Performance to reflect waiver of 50% of the lease payments that would otherwise be due from April 1, 2020 and throughout the period of time that the Evinrude Centre remains closed in a form satisfactory to the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services and City Solicitor;

k) That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to amend the lease arrangement with Kawartha Gymnastics Club to reflect waiver of 50% of the lease payments that would otherwise be due for the period of time from April 1, 2020 to July 12, 2020 in a form satisfactory to the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services and City Solicitor;

l) That based on the financial assistance available from senior levels of government and the municipal assistance already provided, the correspondence from Mr. Sam McKnight and attached as Appendix G to Report CLSFS20-037, be received for information

m) That the correspondence from the Chamber of Commerce and attached as Appendix H to Report CLSFS20-037, be received for information.

Report IPSES20-020

That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report IPSES20-020, dated July 13, 2020, of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services as follows:

That November 1, 2023 be the preferred date to transition the City of Peterborough’s Blue Box program to Extended Producer Responsibility and that this be submitted to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario.

Report CLSCLK20-009

That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report CLSCLK20-009, dated July 13, 2020, of the City Clerk, on behalf of the Peterborough Housing Corporation Board, as follows:

a) That Scott Mancini be appointed to the Peterborough Housing Corporation Board of Directors for a term of up to 3 years (commencing the date of Council approval); and

b) That Bonnie Clark be reappointed to the Peterborough Housing Corporation Board for a term of 3 years (April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2023).

Report IPSTR20-019

That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report IPSTR20-019, dated July 13, 2020, of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services as follows:

That Council receive Report IPSTR20-019 for information.

a) That all actions, speech and symbols of hate and racism including but not limited to the Confederate battle flag and Swastikas be banned from all City of Peterborough property.

b) That Council send a letter to the office of the Attorney General of Canada, the Prime Ministers Office and our local Member of Parliament, the Honorable Maryam Monsef to seek Federal support for the ban

Whereas the DBIA Board of Management, at its meeting of May 13, 2020, passed a motion requesting the City of Peterborough expand the DBIA Board composition to a maximum of 13 members and,    

Whereas the DBIA sent correspondence to members of Council and staff on May 27, 2020, requesting City By-law 17-095 be amended to permit a maximum of 13 DBIA Board members,    

Now be it resolved, that staff be directed to report back to Council in October with a by-law to amend the composition of the DBIA Board of Management membership to a maximum of 13 members.

Whereas the Peterborough Municipal Airport is of significant importance to economic growth and job creation for the City and County of Peterborough and we must ensure that this asset is efficiently, effectively and safely operated in a manner to optimize opportunity for the citizens and visitors of our area. The success of our airport has resulted in increased activity which requires appropriate oversight and governance in order to maintain an excellent facility.   

Be it resolved: 

a) That the Mayor appoint 3 Council members to an ad hoc airport advisory committee; and, 
b) That staff provide a report on a terms of reference for an advisory committee for the airport by May 2021. This board shall provide oversight and direction to the Peterborough Airport management and include 2 members of Council and five members from the community with expertise in finance, law, tourism, marketing and economic development.

That staff provide a report on potential revenue from bottled water sales at City facilities, and

Any COVID-19 health related concerns regarding water stations.

That Council approve the recommendation, outlined in Report IPSRE20-008 dated July 20, 2020 of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services:

That, respecting the properties known municipally as 232, 246, and 252 Greenwood Road, staff be authorized to proceed as outlined in Closed Session Report IPSRE20-008 dated July 20, 2020 of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services.

That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CLSFS20-034, dated July 20, 2020, of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services, as follows:

That, respecting the property known municipally as 24 Whitla Street:

i) The Draft 2021 Capital Budget include a pre-commitment of $200,000 to complete the $900,000 funding required for the purchase of the property; and

ii) Staff be authorized to proceed as outlined in Closed Session Report CLSFS20-034 dated July 20, 2020 of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services.

That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CLSHR20-004 dated July 20, 2020, of the Commissioner of Corporate & Legislative Services as follows:

That the Minutes of Settlement dated June 12, 2020 and June 10, 2020 (respectively), between the City of Peterborough and CUPE Local 126, (Inside Workers) and CUPE Local 504 (Outside Workers), covering the contract period January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2023 as described in Closed session Report CLSHR20-004, be approved.

Report IPSPL20-014

That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report IPSPL20-014 dated July 20, 2020, of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services, as follows:

a) That Schedule ‘A’ – Land Use of the Official Plan, as it relates to the property known as 725 Clonsilla Avenue, be amended from Major Open Space to Residential in accordance with the draft amendment, attached as Exhibit ‘D’ to Report IPSPL20-014;

b) That Schedule ‘E’ – Residential Density of the Official Plan, as it relates to the property known as 725 Clonsilla Avenue, be amended to High Density Residential in accordance with the draft amendment, attached as Exhibit ‘D’ to Report IPSPL20-014;

c) That the Zoning By-law be amended to add Section 399, to introduce Special Residential District SP.369, to permit a list of residential permitted uses and to prescribe site specific regulations in accordance with the draft amendment attached as Exhibit ‘E’ to Report IPSPL20-014; and

d) That approximately 8.0 ha. (19.77 ac.) of the northerly portion of the subject property be rezoned from the OS.2 – Open Space District 2 to the SP.369 – H - Special Residential District in accordance with Exhibit E attached to Report IPSPL20-014;

e) That the ‘H’ Holding Symbol be removed at such time as that portion of the lands zoned OS.2 is dedicated to the City for parkland and any additional cash-in-lieu be paid to the City, or at such time as the Developer has entered into an agreement with the City with respect to the dedication of that portion of the lands and any additional requirement for payment, or combination thereof, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O 1990 c.P.13 and the City’s Parkland Dedication By-law.

Report CAOFS20-002

That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report CAOFS20-002, dated July 13, 2020, of the Fire Chief, as follows:

a) That a presentation by Dillon Consulting Ltd attached as Appendix A, on the Fire Station 2 Location Review Study be received for information;

b) That staff be directed to proceed with the next steps to determine the future site for Fire Station 2 with further exploration of the top three sites identified in the study and community consultation.

Report CLSFS20-038

That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report CLSFS20-038, dated July 20, 2020, of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services, as follows:

a) That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute an amendment and extension to the Contract Police Services Agreement with the Township of Cavan Monaghan and the Peterborough Police Services for a one year term from October 1, 2020 to September 30, 2021 and in a form acceptable to the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services and the City Solicitor and substantially in the form attached as Appendix A to Report CLSFS20-038; and

b) That notice be provided to the Township of Cavan Monaghan that the City is not prepared to extend the existing agreement beyond the one-year term.

Report CSSS20-011

That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report CSSS20-011, dated July 20, 2020, of the Commissioner of Community Services, as follows:

a) That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute renewed service agreements and payments for July 1, 2020 to March 31, 2022 with community partners related to the Home for Good Supportive Housing programs and services as set out in Table 1 of this report;

b) That the Social Services Division Manager be delegated the authority to approve the annual Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Home for Good Investment Plan and quarterly reporting to the Ministry.

Report IPSBD20-003

That Council approve the recommendations dated July 20, 2020 of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services as follows:

a) That two CUPE Local 126 permanent positions, By-law Enforcement Officer and By-law Support and Complaints Officer, be approved due to the ongoing increased workload within By-law Enforcement; and

b) That the funds for 2020 cost of the two new positions be transferred from the Building Division Reserve.

Report CLSFM20-014

That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report CLSFM20-014, dated July 20, 2020 of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services as follows:

a) That Ashburnham Realty, 116 Hunter Street East, Peterborough, Ontario, K9H 1K6 be acknowledged as the successful proponent for the Expression of Interest Document EOI-01-20 Opportunity to Acquire and Develop Property Abutting the Downtown Urban Park Site in the City of Peterborough;

b) That City staff be allowed to negotiate an agreement with Ashburnham Realty for the Development of the Property Abutting the Downtown Urban Park Site in the City of Peterborough; and

c) That upon successful negotiations between the City of Peterborough and Ashburnham Realty, an agreement be drawn up and signed by the Mayor and Clerk, in a form acceptable to the City Solicitor.

Report CLSFS20-039

That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report CLSFS20-039, dated July 20, 2020, of the Commissioner of Corporate and Legislative Services, as follows:

That staff consult with the community on the elimination of the vacant and excess land subclass reduction and report back to Council a final recommendation as a result of this engagement process.

Report CAO20-006

That, as requested from the Mayor and Warden’s Task Force and outlined in Appendix A, Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report CAO20-006, dated July 20, 2020, of the Chief Administrative Officer, as follows:

a) That the Update to City and County Council from the Mayor and Warden’s Joint Task Force for Economic Recovery report by the Peterborough & the Kawarthas Economic Development, attached as Appendix A, be received for information; and

b) That staff review the recommendations in the Mayor and Warden’s COVID-19 Economic Recovery Task Force report and report back to Council on the various recommendations applicable to the City of Peterborough.

Report IPSENG20-029

That Council approves the recommendation outlined in Report IPSENG20-029, dated July 20, 2020, of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services, as follows:

That the report be received for information.

Report IPSTR20-020

That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report IPSTR20-020 dated July 20, 2020, of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services, as follows:

a) That the Automated Vehicle Innovation Network pilot project with Miovision Technologies Incorporated be implemented at up to 80 signalized intersections within the City;

b) That a Non-Standard Procurement for the implementation of a Smart Traffic Signal Pilot Project be awarded to Miovision Technologies Incorporated, 137 Glasgow Street, Suite 110, Kitchener, Ontario, N2G 4X8, in the amount of $270,135.00, plus HST of $35,177.55, for a total cost of $305,252.55;

c) That a provisional work value of $75,000.00 be committed to the Smart Traffic Signal Pilot Project and the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services be provided the authority to adjust the purchase order value to an upset limit of $345,135.00, excluding HST, as necessary to complete this project; and

d) That $140,590 be approved to cover staff salary and benefits costs for a 15-month contract position to oversee the Smart Traffic Signal Upgrade Program.

Report IPSENG20-028

That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report IPSENG20-028 dated July 20, 2020, of the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services, as follows:

a) That $2,300,000 of the $3,300,000 in the 2021 Capital budget column for the Cleantech Commons project, as reflected in the 2020 Capital Budget, be pre-committed;

b) That the Contract T-12-18 for the Cleantech Commons - Phase 1 and 2 with Drain Bros. Excavating Limited, 2130 8th Line Road, North Dummer, Douro-Dummer Ontario, K0L 2H0 be increased by $3,288,861.45, from $4,854,337.15, including provisional work value to $8,143,198.60, plus HST; and

c) That a provisional amount of $250,000.00 be committed to the project and the Commissioner of Infrastructure and Planning Services be provided the authority to adjust the purchase order value to an upset limit of $8,393,198.60, excluding HST, as necessary to complete this project.

To be distributed at meeting, subject to approval of Report of Closed Session at the July 27, 2020 General Committee meeting.

None at this time


Being a By-law to amend 2020 User Fee By-law 20-002


Being a By-law to Adopt Amendment Number 183 to the Official Plan of the City of Peterborough for the property known as 725 Clonsilla Avenue


Being a By-law to amend the Zoning By-law for the lands known as 725 Clonsilla Avenue


Being a By-law to Adopt Amendment Number 182 to the Official Plan of the City of Peterborough for the property known as 1180 Armour Road (formerly 1176 and 1182 Armour Road)


Being a By-law to amend the Zoning By-law for the lands known as 1180 Armour Road (formerly 1176 and 1182 Armour Road)


Being a By-law to amend the Zoning By-law for the lands known as 303 Stewart Street


Being a By-law to amend the Zoning By-law for a portion of the lands known as 2159 Old Norwood Road


Being a By-law to amend the Zoning By-law for the lands known as 663, 689 and 739 Lily Lake Road


Being a By-law to amend the Zoning By-law for the lands known as 850 Lansdowne Street West


Being a By-law to amend By-law 20-041, a By-law to delegate authority to the CAO for sidewalk and road closures and speed adjustments during COVID-19 pandemic recovery to support businesses re-opening


Being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council at its regular meeting held on July 27, 2020

No Item Selected