Accessibility Advisory Committee

City of Peterborough

March 1, 2017



Minutes of a Meeting of the Accessibility Advisory Committee held on March 1, 2017 in the Doris Room.


The meeting of the Accessibility Advisory Committee was called to order at 4:01 p.m. by Councillor Riel, Chair in the Doris Room, City Hall.



Councillor Riel, Chair

Thomas Street

Andrea Dodsworth

Warren Northcott, Vice Chair

Don Parnell

Erica Richmond



Amanda Motyer

Ben McColl

Andrea Walsh



Patricia Reed, Accessibility and Communication Specialist

Kendra Sedgwick, Committee Coordinator



Minutes – February 1, 2017


Moved by Andrea Dodsworth


That the minutes of the Accessibility Advisory Committee held on February 1, 2017 be approved.





Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest


There were no disclosures of Pecuniary Interest.




Consent Agenda


Moved by Warren Northcott


That item 8 be approved as part of the Consent Agenda.





Accessibility and Communication Specialist

Accessibility Compliance Coordinator

Report AAC17-018

Accessibility Office Report


Moved by Warren Northcott


That the Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) approve the recommendation outlined in Report AAC17-018 dated March 1, 2017, of the Accessibility and Communication Specialist and the Accessibility Compliance Coordinator as follows:

That Report AAC17-018 with respect to the current work of the Accessibility Office be received for information.




Accessibility and Communication Specialist

Report AAC17-020

Peterborough Council for Persons with Disabilities


John McNutt, Chair and Anna Lee, Project Manager, Council for Persons with Disabilities, provided a presentation to Report AAC17-020.


Moved by Thomas Street


That the Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) approve the recommendation outlined in Report AAC17-020 dated March 1, 2017, of the Accessibility and Communication Specialist as follows:

That the presentation by the Chair of the Council for Persons with Disabilities, and the Project Manager of the Council for Persons with Disabilities, on 2017 initiatives be received for information.




Accessibility and Communication Specialist

Report AAC17-019

Pearson Daycare Relocation


Sandra Robinson, Manager of Children’s Services, provided a presentation to Report AAC17-019.


Moved by Don Parnell


That the Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) approve the recommendations outlined in Report AAC17-019 dated March 1, 2017, of the Accessibility and Communication Specialist as follows:

a)            That the presentation by the Manager of Children’s Services on the relocation of Pearson Daycare be received for information;

b)           That the AAC provide feedback on the proposed playgrounds at the new location of Pearson Daycare.




Accessibility and Communication Specialist

Report AAC17-024

Access Fund Request 003-17


Moved by Thomas Street


That the Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) approve the recommendations outlined in Report AAC17-024 dated March 1, 2017, of the Accessibility and Communication Specialist as follows:

a)            That Report AAC17-024 of the Accessibility and Communication Specialist be received for information;

b)           That the AAC approve Access Fund Request 003-17 submitted by the Property Maintenance Coordinator for the installation of automatic door operators on the washrooms at The Superior Court of Justice building.




Accessibility and Communication Specialist

Report AAC17-023

Access Fund Request 004-17


Moved by Don Parnell


That the Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) approve the recommendations outlined in Report AAC17-023 dated March 1, 2017, of the Accessibility and Communication Specialist as follows:

a)            That Report AAC17-023 of the Accessibility and Communication Specialist be received for information; and

b)           That the AAC approve Access Fund Request 004-17 submitted by the Transportation Demand Management Planner relating to providing a wheelchair accessible vehicle in the future City of Peterborough fleet of Community CarShare vehicles.




Accessibility and Communication Specialist

Report AAC17-013

Accessible Park Pathways


Moved by Andrea Dodsworth


That the Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) approve the recommendation outlined in Report AAC17-013 dated March 1, 2017 of the Accessibility and Communication Specialist as follows:

That the AAC provide feedback on the placement of accessible pathways in nine City of Peterborough parks. 




Moved by Don Parnell


That Committee move into Closed Session to discuss one item under Section 239(2)(b) Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees.





Committee convened in Closed Session at 5:24 p.m.


Committee moved out of Closed Session at 5:36 p.m.



Report of Closed Session

Accessibility and Communication Specialist

Report AAC17-021

Built Environment Sub-Committee Membership


Moved by Erica Richmond


That the Accessibility Advisory Committee approve the recommendation outlined in Report AAC17-021 dated March 1, 2017, of the Accessibility and Communication Specialist as follows:

a)            That the terms of reference for the Built Environment sub committee be amended to have a maximum of ten members; and


b)           That Sioux Lily and Janet Dawson be approved for membership on the Built Environment Sub-Committee for a term ending March 1, 2021. 





Other Business


Trish Reed, Accessibility and Communication Specialist, read a thank you card received from Human Resources thanking the AAC for approving their Access Fund request to pay for the Mental Health First Training.


Nominations packages for the Gordon and Arbie Holnbeck Award are available on the City’s website as well as in City Hall.  Deadline for applications is April 28th at 4:30 p.m.


Trish Reed, Accessibility and Communication Specialist, will bring the Terms of Reference for the Transportation sub-committee to the April Committee meeting for review.


Next Meeting


The Chair indicated that the next Committee meeting will be held on April 5, 2017.





Moved by Don Parnell


That this meeting of the Accessibility Advisory Committee adjourn at 5:50 p.m.





Kendra Sedgwick

Committee Coordinator



Councillor Riel


No Item Selected