City Council Minutes

City of Peterborough

October 10, 2017



Minutes of a special meeting of City Council held on October 10, 2017, in the Council Chambers.

The City Council meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall.

Roll Call:

Councillor Baldwin

Councillor Beamer

Councillor Clarke

Councillor Haacke

Councillor McWilliams

Councillor Pappas

Councillor Parnell

Councillor Riel

Councillor Therrien

Councillor Vassiliadis

Mayor Bennett



Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests


There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest.






Delegations Not Registered:


Marie Bongard, 461 Albert Street, spoke to the debenture by-law process.



Other Items on the Agenda


There were no delegations.





Moved by Councillor Clarke, seconded by Councillor Beamer


That the following by-law be read a first, second and third time:


17-114            Being a By-law to authorize the borrowing upon serial debentures in the principal amount of $11,243,200 towards the cost of certain capital works described in Schedule “A” to this by-law


17-115            Being a By-law to authorize the borrowing upon serial debentures in the principal amount of $3,883,300 towards the cost of certain capital works described in schedule “A” to this by-law


and the said by-law, having been now read a third time and passed, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the same.





Confirmatory By-law


Moved by Councillor Vassiliadis, seconded by Councillor Parnell


That the following by-law be read a first, second and third time:


17-116            Being a By-law to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting held on October 10, 2017.


and the said by-law, having been now read a third time and passed, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the same.







Moved by Councillor Parnell, seconded by Councillor Beamer


That this meeting of City Council adjourn at 6:20 p.m.





Natalie Garnett

Deputy City Clerk


Daryl Bennett


No Item Selected