Planning Committee Minutes

City of Peterborough

May 5, 2014



Minutes of a Meeting of Planning Committee Held on May 5, 2014 in the Council Chambers, City Hall.


Planning Committee was called to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers.


Roll Call:

Councillor Beamer

Councillor Clarke

Councillor Doris

Councillor Hall, Chair

Councillor Juby

Councillor McWilliams

Councillor Pappas

Councillor Parnell

Councillor Riel

Mayor Bennett



Councillor Vass


Confirmation of Minutes – April 14, 2014


Moved by Councillor Parnell


That the minutes of the meeting of Planning Committee held on April 14, 2014 be approved.





Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest


Councillor Parnell declared an interest in the Council Meeting of April 28th, 2014, Committee of the Whole Report No. 5, Item 8, Budget Adjustments and Award of Tender T-01-14 for Monaghan Road Reconstruction, as she is a resident of the area.



Consent Agenda


No items were moved as part of the Consent Agenda.



Public Meeting Under The Planning Act

Manager, Planning Division

Report PLPD14-027

253 Dalhousie Street


Caroline Kimble, Land Use Planner, provided an overview of Report PLPD14-027.


No one spoke in opposition to, or in favour of the application.


Peter Lawless, 332 Aylmer Street, agent for the applicant, spoke to the application.


Moved by Councillor Juby


That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report PLPD14-027 dated May 5, 2014, of the Manager, Planning Division, as follows:

a)            That the zoning of 253 Dalhousie Street be amended from the R.1, R.2, R.3, R.4 – Residential District to the SP.241-118-‘H’ – Commercial District in accordance with the draft amendment attached as Exhibit ‘C’ to Report PLPD14-027.

b)           That the ‘H’ – Holding Symbol be removed subject to the following:

i)             Site Plan Approval being granted for the property; and


ii)            Consent for an easement, to be registered on title over the adjacent lands, providing access to the rear yard of the subject lands for the purposes of parking.





Public Meeting Under The Planning Act

Manager, Planning Division

Report PLPD14-028

244 Wolfe Street


Caroline Kimble, Land Use Planner, provided an overview of Report PLPD14-028.


No one spoke in opposition to, or in favour of the application.


Peter Lawless, 332 Aylmer Street, agent for the applicant, spoke to the application.


Moved by Councillor Juby


That Council approve the recommendations outlined in Report PLPD14-028 dated May 5, 2014, of the Manager, Planning Division, as follows:

a)            That Section 3.9 of the Zoning By-law be amended to add Exception 289 to exempt the subject lands from providing on-site parking and to permit off-street parking on lands within 50m of the subject property, in accordance with the draft amendment attached as Exhibit ‘C’ to Report PLPD14-028.

b)           That the zoning of 244 Wolfe Street be amended from the R.1,R.2,R.3,R.4 – Residential District to the SP.241-118 – 289 -‘H’ – Commercial District in accordance with the draft amendment attached as Exhibit ‘C’ to Report PLPD14-028.

c)            That the ‘H’ Holding Symbol be removed subject to the following:


i.              Site Plan Approval being granted for the property, including an encroachment agreement with the City for the existing stairs and landing, located within the Wolfe Street Right-of-Way; and


ii.            Long term off street parking arrangements be made within 50m of the subject lands, to provide the minimum number of parking spaces in accordance with the requirements of Zoning By-Law #1997-123, to the satisfaction of the City.








Manager, Planning Division

Report PLPD14-026

Proposed Amendments to the Sign By-law for the Regulation of Electronic Signs


Staff were requested to forward the PowerPoint presentation on Report PLPD14-026 to Electronic Sign by-law stakeholders.


Brian Buchardt, Planner, Urban Design, provided an overview of Report PLPD14-026.


Moved by Mayor Bennett


That Council approve the recommendation outlined in Report PLPD14-026 dated May 5, 2014, of the Manager, Planning Division, as follows:

That Chapter 624 (Sign By-law) of the City of Peterborough Municipal Code be repealed and substituted with the draft By-law Amendment, attached as Exhibit ‘A’ to Report PLPD14-026

At the meeting on May 5, 2014 the following was added:

That other major existing entertainment venue marquees be included in section 2.1.4.




Other Business


There were no items of Other Business.





Moved by Mayor Bennett


That this meeting of Planning Committee adjourn at 7:55 p.m.







Natalie Garnett

Deputy City Clerk



Councillor Hall


No Item Selected