Accessibility Advisory Committee

City of Peterborough

October 5, 2016




Minutes of a Meeting of the Accessibility Advisory Committee held on October 5, 2016 in the Doris Room.


The meeting of the Accessibility Advisory Committee was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Councillor Riel, Chair in the Doris Room, City Hall.



Andrea Walsh

Andrea Dodsworth

Councillor Riel, Chair

Don Parnell

Erica Richmond

Janet Ali

Warren Northcott



Peter Michielsen

Amanda Motyer



Mark Buffone, Accessibility Compliance Coordinator

Trish Reed, Accessibility and Communication Specialist

Kendra Sedgwick, Committee Coordinator



Members of the County of Peterborough Accessibility Advisory Committee



Moved by Warren Northcott


That the Rules of Order be suspended to permit members from the County of Peterborough Accessibility Advisory Committee to speak.





Minutes – September 7, 2016


Moved by Warren Northcott


That the minutes of the Accessibility Advisory Committee held on June 1, 2016 be approved.





Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest


There were no disclosures of Pecuniary Interest.



Consent Agenda


Moved by Janet Ali


That item 6 be approved as part of the Consent Agenda.





Accessibility and Communication Specialist

Accessibility Compliance Coordinator

Report AAC16-050

Accessibility Office Report


Moved by Janet Ali


That the Accessibility Advisory Committee approve the recommendation outlined in Report AAC16-050 dated October 5, 2016, of the Accessibility and Communication Specialist and the Accessibility Compliance Coordinator as follows:

That Report AAC16-050 with respect to the current work of the Accessibility Office be received for information.





Accessibility and Communication Specialist

Report AAC16-047

Housing Division Update


Moved by Andrea Dodsworth


That the Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) approve the recommendation outlined in Report AAC16-047 dated October 5, 2016 of the Accessibility and Communication Specialist as follows:

That the presentation by the Manager of the Housing Division on the 2016 Social Infrastructure Fund (SIF) and the Peterborough Renovates Program be received for information.





Accessibility and Communication Specialist

Report AAC16-048

Social Services Division Update


Moved by Janet Ali


That the Accessibility Advisory Committee approve the recommendation outlined in Report AAC16-048 dated October 5, 2016, of the Accessibility and Communication Specialist as follows:

That the presentation by the Manager of Social Services with respect to office renovations at the Social Services Building (178 Charlotte Street), as well as the Brock Mission temporary location and future new build, be received for information. 





Accessibility and Communication Specialist

Report AAC16-049

Peterborough 10-year Housing and Homelessness Plan Progress Report 2015


Moved by Andrea Walsh


That the Accessibility Advisory Committee approve the recommendations outlined in Report AAC16-049 dated October 5, 2016, of the Accessibility and Communication Specialist as follows:

a)         That the presentation by the Manager of the Housing Division on the Peterborough 10-year Housing and Homelessness Plan Progress Report 2015 be received for information;

b)        That the Peterborough 10-year Housing and Homelessness Plan Progress Report 2015 (Appendix A), be received for information.





Other Business


Mark Buffone provided some information regarding volunteer opportunities at the Central East Local Health Integration Network.


The Committee was informed of the Accessible Peterborough Photo Contest. The contest theme is highlighting accessible places, spaces and experiences in the City of Peterborough. The Photo contest is for International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The deadline for submissions is November 15, 2016.


Councillor Riel thanked the County Accessibility Advisory Committee for attending today’s meeting.


Next Meeting


The Chair indicated that the next Committee meeting will be held on November 2, 2016.




Moved by Warren Northcott


That this meeting of the Accessibility Advisory Committee adjourn at 5:16 p.m.





Kendra Sedgwick

Committee Coordinator



Councillor Riel
