General Committee Meeting Agenda Monday, March 14, 2022 6:00 P.m. - 7:00 P.m.Electronic Meeting1.Call to Order 2.Land Acknowledgement 3.Thirty Seconds of Reflection 4.National Anthem 5.Constitution Statement 6.Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest 7.Consent Items - 9.a.1, 9.a.2, 9.a.3, 9.a.4 8.Presentations 8.aApproval of Cycling Master Plan, Report IPSTR22-001 1.IPSTR22-001 - Approval of Cycling Master Plan.pdf2.IPSTR22-001 - Approval of Cycling Master Plan - Appendix A.pdf8.bApproval of Eastside Transportation Study Recommendations, Report IPSTR22-002 1.IPSTR22-002 - Approval of ESTS Recommendations.pdf2.IPSTR22-002 - Approval of EST Recommendations - Appendix A.pdf3.IPSTR22-002 - Approval of ESTS Recommendations - Appendix B.pdf8.cTransportation Master Plan Phase 4 - Approval of Infrastructure and Policy Recommendations, Report IPSTR22-003 1.IPSTR22-003 - Transportation Master Plan Phase 4 -with Appendix A and B.pdf2.IPSTR22-003 - TMP Phase 4 - Appendix C.pdf9.Committee Reports 9.aReports for Consideration 9.a.1Delegation of Authority re Cleantech Commons, Report CAO22-004 1.CAO22-004 Delegation of Authority re Cleantech Commons with Appendix A (FINAL GC).pdf9.a.22022 Debenture Issue, Report CLSFS22-013 1.CLSFS22-013 - 2022 Debenture Issue.pdf9.a.3By-Law Amendment for 788 Aylmer Street North, Report CSACH22-001 1.CSACH22-001 - By-Law Amendment for 788 Aylmer Street North.pdf9.a.4Designation of 214 Aberdeen Avenue - The Copping Garage, Report CSACH22-002 1.CSACH22-002 - Designation of 214 Aberdeen Avenue - The Copping Garage.pdf10.Notice of Motion 11.Other Business 12.Adjournment No Item SelectedAgenda item details popup This item has no attachments1.CAO22-004 Delegation of Authority re Cleantech Commons with Appendix A (FINAL GC).pdf1.CLSFS22-013 - 2022 Debenture Issue.pdf1.CSACH22-001 - By-Law Amendment for 788 Aylmer Street North.pdf1.CSACH22-002 - Designation of 214 Aberdeen Avenue - The Copping Garage.pdf1.IPSTR22-001 - Approval of Cycling Master Plan.pdf2.IPSTR22-001 - Approval of Cycling Master Plan - Appendix A.pdf1.IPSTR22-002 - Approval of ESTS Recommendations.pdf2.IPSTR22-002 - Approval of EST Recommendations - Appendix A.pdf3.IPSTR22-002 - Approval of ESTS Recommendations - Appendix B.pdf1.IPSTR22-003 - Transportation Master Plan Phase 4 -with Appendix A and B.pdf2.IPSTR22-003 - TMP Phase 4 - Appendix C.pdf