Committee of Adjustment Agenda

Electronic Meeting

Address: 166 Hunter Street East
Applicant: Amit Sofer, TVM Group
Owner: TVM 166 Hunter Street East Inc.
Assigned Planner: Sarah Dilamarter

Deferred from August 27, 2024.

Address: 640 Downie Street
Applicant: Hector Lalonde
Owner: Hector Lalonde and Fern Lalonde
Assigned Planner: Nun Nil

Deferred from August 27, 2024.

Address: 1207 Kenneth Avenue
Applicant: Tim Hiscock
Owner: Tim Hiscock and Cassandra Hiscock
Assigned Planner: Nun Nil

Deferred from August 27, 2024.

Address: 921 Brealey Drive (proposed retained lands from B03/24)
Applicant: Murray J. Davenport, M.J. Davenport & Associates Ltd.
Owner: Carol Behan and Thomas Behan
Assigned Planner: Sarah Dilamarter

Address: 204 McDonnel Street
Applicant: Neil Campbell, Aside Architects Inc.
Owner: Leanne Howat and Stephen Loch 
Assigned Planner: Nun Nil

Address: 189 Dalhousie Street
Applicant: Ian Nichols, Merrett Home Hardware
Owner: Dalhousie Youth Support Services
Assigned Planner: Nun Nil

Request to amend the conditions of Provisional Consent